Power Engineering
(Bachelor of Science)

Eine Person arbeitet in einer Werkstatt. © Dr. Ann-Christin Bartels
© Dr. Ann-Christin Bartels


Art des Studiums
undergraduate studies (1 subject bachelor)
6 semesters
Winter semester

German HZB: none
International application: German C1
Find out more

Besondere Voraussetzungen

Pre-internship (recommended)


Stay abroad possible, but not obligatory.


The switch to a sustainable energy system is the central challenge for our future and for the world climate. The regenerative generation of electrical energy, its storage, transmission and distribution plays a key role - as does efficient use - especially in the field of e-mobility. The need for excellent, interdisciplinary trained engineers is growing accordingly.


  • Electrical power engineering
  • Thermal/mechanical power engineering

Power Engineering is an interdisciplinary bachelor's degree programme with equal parts from electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. Students receive a broad, scientifically grounded  education that is combined with practical aspects.

The four-semester foundation stage deals primarily with mathematical, scientific and technical basic subjects. It also includes an eight-week basic internship that should be completed before the start of study. Already in the first semester, the students get an insight into the broad spectrum of power engineering.

Practical project work and construction projects conclude the foundation course. In the fifth and sixth semester, you choose advanced specializations in engineering, and the degree concludes with the bachelor thesis.

The power engineering degree programme, which is unique in Germany, is characterized by its diversity between conventional and renewable energy generation and thus creates a broad understanding of energy technology issues, which can be deepened in a consecutive master's degree.

Empfohlene Fähigkeiten

Students of Power Engineering should possess strong powers of imagination and abstraction. It is also important that they have a technical flair, an interest in mathematics, and a logical, pragmatic and realistic way of thinking. Good foreign language skills are very important for entering the job market. Solid English language skills are therefore advantageous.

The programme involves eight weeks of basic internship, which prospective students are strongly recommended to complete before embarking on the degree programme. No specific time is set aside for completing this basic practical training during the degree programme.

Tätigkeitsfelder und Berufsmöglichkeiten

Professional fields of activity for graduates in Power Engineering range from component manufacturers such as turbine and generator construction, power station and industrial plant construction, energy suppliers and grid operators to large industrial-scale users of electrical energy and planning offices.

In addition, the Bachelor’s degree qualifies graduates to embark on a postgraduate Master’s degree programme.

Zugangsvoraussetzungen und Bewerbung


This degree programme is admission-free.
If you did not graduate from a German school nor have a German higher education entrance qualification (for example, the Abitur), a language certificate proving your knowledge of German is required for the application and enrollment.


01.06.-30.09. of the year for the winter semester

  • First-year students (application for the 1st semester) can only enrol for the winter semester.
  • Students resuming their studies and transfer students (application for a higher semester) can also enrol for the summer semester (December 1st - January 15th).
  • Requirements for applications from non-EU countries:
    • VPD from uni-assist OR a passed assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung) of a preparatory foundation course (Studienkolleg)
    • Applications for the Studienkolleg must be submitted by July 15th.

Power Engineering (B.Sc.) - Finn talks about his studies

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Zentrale Studienberatung
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
Zentrale Studienberatung
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover