Politics as subject in the Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Degree Programme
(Bachelor of Arts)

Der Bundestag © Deutscher Bundestag, Lichtblick, Andi Hill
© Deutscher Bundestag, Lichtblick, Andi Hill


Art des Studiums
Undergraduate studies (2 Subjects bachelor)
6 semesters
Winter semester

German HZB: none
International application: German C1
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Besondere Voraussetzungen



Stay abroad possible, but not obligatory.


The subject politics is offered as one of two subjects within the Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Degree Programme. Please note the subject combination options.

Political Science provides students with insight into political systems, political processes, policy and the theoretical and analytical relations of political organisations in modern societies. The focus is on academic discourse on political theories and contemporary decision-making processes. At Leibniz Universität Hannover, the subject of Political Science is offered on a wide scale, as recommended both nationally and internationally. In other words, the areas of Political Theory, Comparative Government, International Relations and Methods in Political Science are represented. These are supplemented by the Political Science Department’s areas of specialisation: Political Sociology, Policy Areas and Political Administration. Since the Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Degree Programme is polyvalent, i.e. it has a teacher education option, the area of teaching political education is also represented.

Further information on the website of the programme Politics (German language only)


  • History of political ideas and theories of politics
  • International relations
  • Political science statistics
  • Policy areas and political administration
  • Political sociology
  • Political systems and government
  • Teaching methodology

The degree programme consists of an introductory module, fundamental compulsory modules on the political science specialisations and a module on methods of political science. Depending on students’ choice of subjects (Politics as a first or second subject) and study objective (Teacher Education or a non-school-based career), the degree programme is complemented by compulsory and compulsory elective modules (e.g. by Teaching Methodology, Education Systems and Socialisation Processes in the Teacher Education option or by Policy Areas and Political Administration and Political Sociology in the non-school-based option).

As part of the interdisciplinary bachelor's degree programme, students with a focus on teaching have to complete a non-school-based internship as well as a school internship, both lasting four weeks. The non-school-based internship helps students to get first work insights in the area of teaching, to check on their career aspiration. For students with an non-school-based focus, an eight-week non-school-based internship must be completed.

Politik als Erstfach:

Semester 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • Einführung in die Politische Wissenschaft (nur im 1. Semester, 8 LP)
  • Politische Ideengeschichte und Theorien der Politik (12 LP)
  • Politische Systeme und Regierungslehre (10 LP)
  • Politikwissenschaftliche Methoden im fächerübergreifenden Bachelor (10 LP)
  • Internationale Beziehungen, Weltgesellschaft, Europäische Integration (10 LP)
  • Fortsetzung Politikwissenschaftliche Methoden (10 LP)
  Bachelorarbeit (10 LP)
Wahlpflichtmodul(e) je nach Studienziel (Lehramt oder außerschulisch)
Wahlpflichtmodul(e) je nach Studienziel (Lehramt oder außerschulisch)


Politik als Zweitfach:

Semester 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • Einführung in die Politische Wissenschaft (nur im 1. Semester, 8 LP)
  • Politische Ideengeschichte und Theorien der Politik (12 LP)
  • Politikwissenschaftliche Methoden im fächerübergreifenden Bachelor (10 LP)
  • Politische Systeme und Regierungslehre (10 LP)
  • Fortsetzung Politikwissenschaftliche methoden (10 LP)

Wahlpflichtmodul(e) je nach Studienziel (Lehramt oder außerschulisch)
Wahlpflichtmodul(e) je nach Studienziel (Lehramt oder außerschulisch)
Empfohlene Fähigkeiten
  • The willingness to explore political science topics and texts
  • Ability to work independently
  • Good communication skills
  • Teacher Education option: an interest in working with pupils at a later stage
Tätigkeitsfelder und Berufsmöglichkeiten
  • National and international political institutions, organisations and facilities
  • Political parties, associations and administrative bodies
  • Media enterprises
  • Teaching position at a grammar school (after completing the relevant Master’s degree programme)
Mögliche weiterführende Studiengänge

Under certain conditions, admission to the following Master''s programme is also possible. More detailed information can be found in the respective admission regulations. If you have any questions, please contact the course advice of the desired Master''s programme:

Zugangsvoraussetzungen und Bewerbung


Some subjects in the Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Degree Programme are restricted: Biology, Computer Science, English Studies (school subject: English), Geography, German Studies (school subject: German), History, Music, Performing Arts, Politics, Sports and Study of Religion / Values and Norms.
Other subjects are admission-free: Catholic Theology (school subject: Catholic Religious Education), Chemisty, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Protestant Theology (school subject: Protestant Religious Education), Spanish Studies (school subject: Spanish).

The exact admission requirements can be found in the admission regulation.

Note: The admission regulations reflect the legally prescribed subject combinations in the Master regulation of Lower Saxony.
All currently possible subject combinations can be found under "Combinations".


01.06.-15.07. of the year for the winter semester

  • First-year students (application for the 1st semester) can only apply for the winter semester.
  • Those continuing their studies (application for higher semesters) can also apply for the summer semester (December 1st - January 15th.

The following applies to applications from non-EU countries:

  • VPD from uni-assist OR a passed assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung) of a preparatory foundation course (Studienkolleg) is required.
  • Applications for the Studienkolleg must be submitted by July 15th.

Politics in the FüBa (B.A.) - Pauline & Dario talk about their studies

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Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
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Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover