Computer Engineering
(Bachelor of Science)

Drei Personen stehen vor einem technischen Gerät. © Ann-Cristin Bartels
© Ann-Cristin Bartels


Art des Studiums
Undergraduate studies (1 Subject bachelor)
6 semesters

Part-time study is optional.

Winter semester

German HZB: none
International application: German C1
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Stay abroad possible, but not obligatory.


Computer Engineering is concerned with hardware and software in embedded systems. An embedded system is a computer that is integrated into a technical context. Many products, such as in automotive engineering, medical engineering, robotics and consumer electronics, are based on the combination of dedicated hardware platforms and software systems. Engineers who develop technologies and products with embedded systems therefore require fundamental knowledge in the areas of computer science and information technology, as well as the interactions between them.

In this Bachelor’s degree programme, students learn the theoretical and practical basics of computer science and information technology. Students gain a solid grounding in the foundations of software and hardware, whereby programming is just one element of the degree programme. Relevance to practice plays an important role throughout the programme. Building on sound basic knowledge, students may specialise in a wide range of subjects related to computer science and information technology, such as Internet Technologies, Multimedia Signal Processing, and Microelectronic Systems.


  • Applied computer science
  • Architectures and systems
  • Communications networks and message transmission systems
  • Distributed systems
  • High-frequency technology and wireless systems
  • Man-machine communication
  • Mixed signal circuitry
  • Multimedia signal processing and automatic image interpretation
  • Systems engineering
  • Theoretical computer science

In the Bachelor’s degree programme in Computer Engineering, students initially focus on the mathematical and engineering foundations of computer studies and information technology. At a later stage, students can choose from a well-balanced range of specialisations to suit their interests. Project work is an integral part of the programme (hardware project, software project) in which students not only learn specialist skills, but also the skills required to work in a team. Leibniz Universität Hannover’s lecture programme (Studium Generale) also enables students to touch on other university disciplines beyond their chosen subject. The Bachelor’s degree programme ends upon completion of the Bachelor’s thesis in the sixth semester.


Semester 1 2 3 4 5 6
Grundlagen der Informatik
  • Programmieren 1 (5 LP)
  • Grundlagen digitaler Systeme (5 LP)
  • Programmieren 2 (5 LP)
  • Grundlagen der Rechnerarchitektur (5 LP)
  • Rechnernetze (5 LP)
  • Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen (5 LP)
  • Grundlagen der Betriebssysteme (5 LP)
  • Hardware-Praktikum (5 LP)
  • Grundlagen der Software-Technik (5 LP)
Formale Methoden der Informationstechnik (5 LP) Software-Projekt (5 LP)  
Grundlagen der Informationstechnik Elektrotechnische Grundlagen der Informatik (5 LP) Digitalschaltungen der Elektronik (5 LP) Signale und Systeme (5 LP)
  • Programmierpraktikum (5 LP)
  • Grundlagen der Nachrichtentechnik (5 LP)
  • Halbleiterelektronik (7 LP)
  • Statistische Methoden der Nachrichtentechnik (5 LP)
  • Digitale Signalverarbeitung (5 LP)
Grundlagen der Mathematik Mathematik 1 für die Ingenieurwissenschaften (8 LP) Mathematik 2 für die Ingenieurwissenschaften (8 LP) Mathematik 3 für die Ingenieurwissenschaften (6 LP)      
Informatik-Vertiefung       Wahlpflichtmodul (5 LP) Wahlpflichtmodul (5 LP) Wahlpflichtmodul (5 LP)
Informationstechnik-Vertiefung         Wahlpflichtmodul (5 LP) 2 Wahlpflichtmodule (je 5 LP)
Fächerübergreifende Vertiefung und Proseminare       Fächerübergreifende Vertiefung (5 LP) Proseminar (3 LP)  
Studium Generale Studium Generale (5 LP)          
Bachelorarbeit           Bachelorarbeit inkl. Kolloquium (15 LP)
Empfohlene Fähigkeiten
  • An interest in mathematics
  • An interest in science
  • Enjoyment of technical issues
  • A knowledge of English is recommended because the advanced specialist literature is in English, and English is generally used throughout the world in this field. Students can expand on their English skills in university courses.
Tätigkeitsfelder und Berufsmöglichkeiten

Graduates of Computer Engineering work in research as well as in industry. Career opportunities are open to them in all sectors in which embedded systems play a role. Examples include communication technology, medical engineering, media technology and automotive electronics. In all these fields of application, companies seek graduates whose training profile covers elements from computer science and information technology.

Zugangsvoraussetzungen und Bewerbung


The exact admission requirements can be found in the admission regulations:


1 June – 15 July of the year for the winter semester

  • First-year students (application for the 1st semester) can only apply for the winter semester.
  • Students resuming their studies and transfer students (application for a higher semester) can also apply for the summer semester (1 December - 15 January).
  • Requirements for applications from non-EU countries:
    • VPD from uni-assist OR a passed assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung) of a preparatory foundation course (Studienkolleg)
    • Applications for the Studienkolleg must be submitted by 15 July.

Computer Engineering (B.Sc.) - Jakob talks about his studies

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Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
Zentrale Studienberatung
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover