Showing results 16 - 30 out of 47
Bonn, A., Brink, W., Hecker, S., Herrmann, T. M., Liedtke, C., Premke-Kraus, M., Voigt-Heucke, S., Gönner, J. V., Altmann, C., Bauhus, W., Bengtsson, L., Brandt, M., Bruckermann, T., Büermann, A., Dietrich, P., Dörler, D., Eich-Brod, R., Eichinger, M., Ferschinger, L., ... Woll, S. (2022). White Paper Citizen Science Strategy 2030 for Germany. Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, Universitäten und außeruniversitäre Einrichtungen.
Brandt, M., Groom, Q., Magro, A., Misevic, D., Narraway, C. L., Bruckermann, T., Beniermann, A., Børsen, T., Gonzalez, J., Meeus, S., Roy, H. E., Sá-Pinto, X., Torres, J. R., & Jenkins, T. (2022). Promoting scientific literacy in evolution through citizen science. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289(1980), 20221077. Article 20221077.,
Bruckermann, T., Stillfried, M., Straka, T. M., & Harms, U. (2022). Citizen science projects require agreement: a Delphi study to identify which knowledge on urban ecology is considered relevant from scientists’ and citizens’ perspectives. International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement, 12(1), 75-92.
Bruckermann, T., & Greving, H. (2022). Fledermausschutz: Bürgerinnen und Bürger forschen mit. ti! Technologie-Informationen, 2022(2+3), 8.
Bruckermann, T., Greving, H., Stillfried, M., Schumann, A., Brandt, M., & Harms, U. (2022). I’m fine with collecting data: Engagement profiles differ depending on scientific activities in an online community of a citizen science project. PLoS ONE, 17(10), Article e0275785.
Greving, H., Bruckermann, T., Schumann, A., Straka, T., Lewanzik, D., Voigt-Heucke, S., Marggraf, L., Lorenz, J., Brandt, M., Voigt, C. C., Harms, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2022). Improving attitudes and knowledge in a citizen science project about urban bat ecology. Ecology and Society, 27(2), Article 24.
Thiele, J., Wiehe, J., & von Haaren, C. (2022). Lokaler Energiewendedialog: Schlussbericht: Vision:En 2040 - Unsere Ideen, unsere Energiewende. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Bruckermann, T., Straka, T., Stillfried, M., & Krell, M. (2021). Context Matters: Accounting for Item Features in the Assessment of Citizen Scientists’ Scientific Reasoning Skills. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 6(1), Article 21.
Bruckermann, T., & Lorke, J. (2021). Online Citizen Science: Mit digitalen Tools Forschung in den Unterricht bringen. Unterricht Biologie, 2021(469), 44-47.
Bruckermann, T., & Mahler, D. (2021). Online-Citizen-Science-Plattformen zum Mitforschen. In J. Meßinger-Koppelt, & J. Maxton-Küchenmeister (Eds.), Naturwissenschaften digital: Toolbox für den Unterricht (Vol. 2, pp. 60-63). Joachim Herz Stiftung Verlag.
Bruckermann, T., Greving, H., Schumann, A., Stillfried, M., Börner, K., Kimmig, S., Hagen, R., Brandt, M., & Harms, U. (2021). To know about science is to love it? Unraveling cause-effect relationships between knowledge and attitudes toward science in citizen science on urban wildlife ecology. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 58(8), 1179-1202.
Peter, M., Diekötter, T., Höffler, T., & Kremer, K. H. (2021). Biodiversity citizen science: Outcomes for the participating citizens. People and Nature, 3(2), 294-311.
Peter, M., Diekötter, T., Kremer, K. H., & Höffler, T. (2021). Citizen science project characteristics: Connection to participants' gains in knowledge and skills. PLOS ONE, 16(7), Article e0253692.
Wage, O., & Sester, M. (2021). Joint estimation of road roughness from crowd-sourced bicycle acceleration measurements. In ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Vol. V-4-2021, pp. 89–96). (ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences). Copernicus Publications.
Bruckermann, T., Greving, H., Stillfried, M., Börner, K., Schumann, A., Harms, U., & Brandt, M. (2020). Data collectors or analysts? Different engagement profiles in citizen science. Poster session presented at 3rd International ECSA Conference, Trieste, Italy.