LUH as an employer
Leibniz University Hannover is one of the largest universities in Germany.
We aim to develop sustainable solutions for the future, and we have the skills to do so: our key research areas encompass Biomedical Research and Technology, Energy Research, Optical Technologies, Production Engineering, Quantum Optics and Gravitational Physics, and Interdisciplinary Studies of Science. The range of subjects we cover spans from engineering and the natural sciences to architecture and environmental planning, and from law and economics to the social sciences and humanities.
We help our employees develop their talents and are committed to supporting their work. This enables us to achieve our goals together.

What we offer
Job opportunities at Leibniz University Hannover
Job portal: Academic, administrative and technical job openings at Leibniz University Hannover
Professional training
We offer professional training in diverse fields of work.
Temporary jobs for students
Jobicco: Marketplace for temporary jobs unrelated to university study
External vacancies
Stellenticket: External employers seeking academically trained employees – both students and alumni
Research and academic positions: careers and junior-researcher support
From doctoral studies to professorships – we support our researchers in every career phase, offering a wide range of services and attractive conditions in an exciting working environment so that they can realise their full potential.