Mission Statement & Guidelines
- Mission Statement
- Target Agreements
- Development plan
- Internationalisation Strategy
- Research
- Teaching and Studies
- Society and Economy
- Personnel matters and cooperation
- Equal opportunities
- Sustainability and Climate Protection
- Key Events
- Higher Trade School
- The Polytechnic in its Heyday
- in the Time of Radical Change
- Becoming an Institute of Technology
- The Fight for Equality with the Universities
- Weimar Republic
- Radicalisation
- in the Nazi Era
- Destruction and Reconstruction
- to the Technical University
- to the University of Hannover
- Leibniz Universität Hannover
- Outstanding Personalities
- Buildings
- Reviewing the Nazi Period
- Der Fall Helmut Kentler
- Logo
- Awarding Prizes and Distinctions
- Cooperations & Networks
- Leibniz
- Facts and Figures
- Compliance
Mission Statement & Guidelines
- Quality Management
- International
News & Events
- Press Releases
- Online Spotlights
- Social Media
- Energiesparen
- International Conferences
- Science Year 2025: Energy of the Future
- Citizen-Science-Tag
- Gesundheitswoche
- Leibniz Campus Lecture
- Humboldt meets Leibniz
Ringvorlesung Nachhaltigkeit
- 05.11.2024: Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski
- 12.11.2024: Prof. Dr. Antje Backhaus
- 19.11.2024: Prof. Dr. Philipp Geyer
- 26.11.2024: Prof. Dr. Nadja Kabisch
- Archiv 2023 | Wasser: Von Extremereignissen bis zum Ressourcenschutz
- Archiv 2022 | Bezahlbare und saubere Energie
- Archiv 2021 | Zukunft denken - nachhaltig handeln
- Die Nacht, die Wissen schafft
- Wirtschaftsempfang
- EULiST Symposium on Climate Resilience
- UniverCity - Uni in der Stadt
- Ringvorlesung Citizen Science
- Workshop "Netzwerk Berufungsmanagement" 2022
Fakten, Fakes und Fiktionen
- FakeNarratives: Desinformation und Erzählmuster in Nachrichtenvideos
- Über Deep Fakes und falsche Wahrnehmungen von IT-Sicherheit
- Justiz im Visier: Wie Rechte im Social Web den Rechtsstaat attackieren
- Umstrittene Wirklichkeit: Hexenwerk an der Schwelle zur Moderne
- Fake als literarisches Erkenntnisinstrument
- Wissenschaftliche Wahrheit versus wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt
- Leibniz AnsprechBAR: Ihre Fragen an die Wissenschaft
- Citizen Science
- Tagung - Die Umsetzung des Nachwuchspakts
- Leibniz AnsprechBAR: Wissen in der Stadt
- RSS Feeds
- Publications
- Podcasts
- Videos about Leibniz University Hannover
- Authorisation for Filming and Photography
- Friends & Sponsors
- Foundation
- Presidential Board
Organisation & Structure
- Organisational Chart
- Senate
- President’s Staff and Staff Units
- Central University Bodies and Commissions
- Officers and Representatives
- Organisational and Human Resources Development, ICT (Department 1)
- Personnel and Legal Department (Department 2)
- Dezernat 2 / Wahlamt
- Dezernat 3
- Research and Innovation Services
- Dezernat 5
- Department 6
- Facilities
- Wahlen
- Crisis Management Committee
- Campus & City
- Job Exchange
- Appointments
- Berufsausbildung
Personnel Development and Training
- Digitale Angebote zur Weiterbildung für Beschäftigte
- Offers for Research, Administrative and Technical Staff
- Offers for Teaching
- Offers for Professors
- Offers for Staff in Leadership Positions
- Training and Development Programmes
- Support and Referrals to Experts
- Intercultural Skills for Staff at Leibniz University Hannover
- Equal Opportunities and Diversity
- Gesundheitsmanagement & Arbeitsmedizin
- Flexible Work Models
- The Benefits of a Collective Agreement
- Einstellungsunterlagen
- New at the University
- Faculties
- Degree Programmes
Before Your Studies
- Orientierung & Studienentscheidung
Application and Admission
- Admission Requirements
How to Apply to Leibniz University Hannover
- Bachelor application - for prospective students from Germany and EU countries
- Bachelor application - for prospective students from outside the EU
- Master application - for prospective students from Germany and EU countries
- Master application - for prospective students from outside the EU
- Transferring to Leibniz University Hannover
- Changing programmes and subjects
- Second Undergraduate Degree
- Unreasonable Hardship Application
- After You Have Applied
- Studying without Abitur
- Prospective International Students
- Schulprojekte der LUH
During Your Studies
- Starting Your Studies
- Prüfungsinfos & Fachberatung
- Lectures
- Transfer of Credits and Examination Results
- Online Services
- Tipps & Werkzeuge
- Organising Your Studies
- Going Abroad
- Exchange Students
- Exchange Coordinators
- International Students
- Campus Life and Volunteer Work
- Career Guidance, Internships, and Transitioning into Employment
- Planning for Your Master’s Programme
- After Your Studies
- Advising & Support
- Semester Dates
- Finances & Funding
- Teaching
- Research Profile
- Exzellenzstrategie
- Strategic Research Cooperations
- Research in the Faculties
- Junior Researchers
- Research & Innovation Services
- Citizen Science
- Research Funding Support
- International Researchers
- Memberships in Academic Societies
- Forschung zum Coronavirus
- Continuing Education