Studying with Abitur
A general university entrance qualification entitles students to study in all academic fields. It can be aquired at the following facilities:
- Gymnasium (grammar school)
- Fachgymnasium (vocational high school)
- Kolleg
- Abendgymnasium (evening school)
- Berufsoberschule, wenn ausreichende Kenntnisse in einer zweiten Fremdsprache (Vocational school, if sufficient knowledge in a second foreign language)
Studying without Abitur?
The assumption is widespread that one can study at universities only with the Abitur and at Fachhochschulen only with the Fachhochschulreife. But that's not correct! Depending on the subject of the Fachhochschulreife, similar study programmes can also be studied at universities. In addition, a vocational education can also qualify for studying at an university in Lower Saxony.
Studying with the Fachhochschulreife
In Lower Saxony you may study any subject at universities of applied science if you have the Fachhochschulreife (certificate of aptitude for specific and short-course higher education). At universities you may enrol for courses corresponding to the specialisation of the Fachhochschulreife (§ 18 (3) NHG):
- Each Fachhochschulreife has a specialisation, which is acquired e.g. through attending certain Fachoberschulen (colleges specialising in technology, social studies, business etc).
- If for example you have attained the Fachhochschulreife by graduating from a Fachoberschule specialising in business studies you could consider studying business studies at Leibniz Universität Hannover.
- If you have attained the Fachhochschulreife after attending a general Gymnasium (high school) (= school part), the Fachhochschulreife is recognised as complete only after the practical part, which can be in the form of an apprenticeship or a one-year internship. The content of the practical part determines the specialisation of the Fachhochschulreife! Please note that the specialisation is not always clearly visible and will be checked where necessary by the Registration Office.
- For further information on attaining the Fachhochschulreife, please consult the school authorities in Lower Saxony (Landesschulbehörde).
There is no definitive list matching each specialisation to the numerous degree courses. An initial overview of what courses you may take at Leibniz Universität with the Fachhochschulreife can be found here:
- Specialisation in Technology for all engineering degrees, for Bachelor’s and Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s in Physics, for Bachelor’s and Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s in Mathematics, and Bachelor’s in Technical Education
- Specialisation in Business Studies for Business Administration, Engineering and Business Administration, Social Sciences and Political Science
- Specialisation in Administration and Administration of Justice for Law
- Specialisation in Health or Social Studies for BA Special Needs Education
- Specialisation in Design for BSc Architecture
Please note that the above list is not complete and is being continually extended. In the case of professions / qualifications that have not yet been listed, the Registration Office of the Leibniz Universität Hannover will examine the relevance of the qualification (Einschlägigkeitsprüfung) together with the faculty responsible. In other words, you must decide which degree course you wish to take and then apply for your university entrance qualification.
Studying with the Fachgebundene Hochschulreife
A fachgebundene Hochschulreife is a subject-specific university entrance qualification, which in Lower Saxony is usually attained at a Berufsoberschule. With this qualification you can study the relevant subjects at universities and universities of applied science.
Studying with a vocational qualification
In Lower Saxony, university admission is possible solely due to vocational qualifications (§ 18 (4) S. 1 NHG).
1. Studying any subject:
Regular vocational further education (at least 400 units of instruction) is an entrance qualification for all subjects, e.g. for
- Meisterin or Meister (Master Craftsman)
- Staatlich geprüfte Technikerin oder staatlich geprüfter Techniker (State-examined Technician)
- Staatlich geprüfte Betriebswirtin oder staatlich geprüfter Betriebswirt (State-examined Business Economist)
- Advanced training course with final examination according to §§ 53 or 54 of the German Vocational Training Act or §§ 42 or 42a of the Crafts Ordinance (Handwerksordnung), based on a training course of 400 units of instruction minimum (e.g. Fachwirte (Business Administrators), Fachkaufleute (Commercial Specialists))
- Certificate of eligibility for nautical or technical shipping services according to the Ships Officers Training Ordinance (Schiffsoffizier-Ausbildungsverordnung), based on a training course of 400 units of instruction minimum (e.g. Captain on fishing vessels)
- Fachschulabschluss (vocational qualification) according to the “Rahmenvereinbarung über Fachschulen“ (general agreement of technical colleges) of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of 7th November 2002 (e.g. Staatlich anerkannte Erzieherinnen and Erzieher (State-recognised Educator), staatlich anerkannter Heilpädagogin / Heilpädagoge (State-recognised Remedial teacher)).
- Certificate of advanced training course under state regulations for health, social care or social education professionals, based on a training course of 400 units of instruction minimum e.g.:
- Fachkraft für Intensiv- und Anästhesiepflege (Specialist in Intensive and Anaesthetic Care),
- Fachkraft für onkologische Pflege (Specialist for Oncological Care),
- Fachkraft für psychiatrische Pflege (Specialist for Psychiatric Care),
- Fachkraft für operative und endoskopische Pflege (Specialist for Operative and Endoscopic Care),
- Fachkraft für Hygiene in der Pflege (Specialist for Hygiene in Care)
- Fachkraft für Leitungsaufgaben in der Pflege (Specialist for Management Tasks in Care),
- Pflegedienstleiter/innen (Care Manager)
- Fachkraft für sozialpsychiatrische Betreuung (Specialist in Social Psychiatric Care),
- Fachkraft Frühe Hilfen für verschiedene Fachrichtungen (Specialist Early Help for Various Disciplines): Familienhebamme/Familienentbindungspfleger, Familien-Gesundheits- und Kinderkrankenpfleger/in (Family Midwife / Family Caregiver, Family Health Nurse and Child Nurse).
2. Subject-specific studies:
If you can produce evidence of a minimum of three years vocational training and at least three years of work experience in your profession, you have a university entrance qualification exclusively for courses that build on the focus areas of your training / apprenticeship (§ 18 (4) S. 2 NHG). An initial overview of what training courses / apprenticeships entitle you to take specific courses at Leibniz Universität can be found here:
- Agrarwirtschaftlich-technische/r Assistent/in: BSc Molekulare und Angewandte Pflanzenwissenschaften
- Altenpfleger/in (Geriatric Nurse): BA Special Needs Education, BA Social Sciences
- Anlagenmechaniker/in für Sanitär-, Heizungs- u. Klimatechnik (Plant Mechanic for Sanitary, Heating and Air Conditioning Systems): Bachelor’s Technical Education – Metals Technology
- Arzthelfer/in (Medical Assistant): BA Special Needs Education
- Bäcker/in (Baker): BSc Technical Education – Food Science
- Bankkauffrau/-kaufmann (Bank Clerk): BA Geography in the specialisation Economic Geography only, Law, BSc Business Administration
- Bautischler/in (Construction Joiner / Carpenter): BSc Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bachelor’s Technical Education – Wood Technology
- Baustoffprüfer/in Asphalttechnik (Construction Materials Tester in Asphalt Technology): BSc Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Bauzeichner/in (Construction Draughtsman): Bachelor’s Technical Education - Site Engineering
- Biologisch-Techniche/r Assistent/in (Biological-Technical Assistant)(three years of training): BSc Biochemistry, Molecular and Applied Plant Science, BSc Life Science
- Bürokauffrau/-kaufmann (Office Clerk): Law, BA Social Sciences, BSc Business Administration
- Chemielaborant/in (Chemical Laboratory Assistant): BSc Chemistry
- Chemisch-Technische/r Assistent/in (three years of training): BSc Biochemistry, BSc Chemistry, BSc Meteorology, Molecular and Applied Plant Science
- Dachdecker/in (Roofer): BSc Technical Education - Site Engineering, - Colour Technology and Interior Decoration
- Drogist/in (Druggist): BSc Chemistry
- Drucker/in Fachrichtung Tiefdruck (Gravur Printer): BSc Mechanical Engineering
- Elektroniker/in (Electronics Technician): BSc Electrical Engineering und Information Technology, BSc Mechanical Engineering
- Elektroniker/in für Geräte und Systeme (Electronics Technician for Appliances and Systems): BSc Power Engineering
- Elektroniker/in Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik (Electronics Technician in Information and Telecommunication Systems): BSc Computer Science, BSc Technical Informatics
- Fachfrau/-mann für Systemgastronomie (System Catering Technician): BSc Technical Education – Food Science
- Fachinformatiker/in für Anwendungsentwicklung (Computer Specialist for Application Development) : BSc Computer Science, BSc Technical Informatics
- Fachverkäufer/in im Nahrungsmittelhandwerk (Specialised Shop Assistant for Foodstuffs): BSc Technical Education – Food Science
- Feinwerkmechaniker/in (Precision Mechanic): BSc Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- Feinwerkmechaniker/in Maschinenbau (Precision Mechanic Mechanical Engineering): BSc Mechanical Engineering
- Fleischer/in (Butcher): BSc Technical Education – Food Science
- Fluggerätemechaniker/in (Aircraft Mechanic): BSc Mechanical Engineering, BSc Mathematics
- Friseur/in (Hairdresser): BSc Chemistry
- Gärtner/in (Gardener): Molecular and Applied Plant Science, BSc Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
- Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger/in (Health Worker / Nurse): BA Special Needs Education
- Hochbauarbeiter/in /Maurer/in (Construction Worker / Builder): Bachelor’s Technical Education - Site Engineering (with at least three years of training)
- Hotelfachfrau/-mann (Hotel Manager): BSc Technical Education – Food Science
- Hotelkauffrau/-kaufmann (Hotel Clerk): BSc Technical Education – Food Science
- Immobilienkauffrau/-mann (Real Estate Agent): BSc Technical Informatics
- Industriekauffrau/-mann (Industrial Clerk): BA Social Sciences, BSc Business Administration
- Industriemechaniker/in (Industrial Mechanic): BSc Mechanical Engineering, BSc Mechatronics,
- Informationselektroniker/in (Information Electronics Technician): BSc Technical Informatics, BSc Electrical and Information Technology
- Informatikkauffrau/-mann (IT Office Assistant): BSc Computer Science, BSc Technical Informatics
- Informations- und Telekommunikationssystem-Elektroniker (Information and Telecommunication Systems Electronics Technician): BSc Electrical and Information Technology
- IT-Systemelektroniker/in (IT Systems Electronics Technician): BSc Mechatronics
- Justizfachangestellte/r (Legal Assistant): Law, BSc Business Administration
- Koch / Köchin (Cook): BSc Technical Education – Food Science
- Kaufmännische/r Assistent/in (Commercial Assistant): BSc Engineering and Business Administration (with at least three years of training)
- (Kraftfahrzeug-)Mechatroniker/in (Vehicle Mechatronics Engineer): BSc Mechanical Engineering, BSc Mechatronics,
- Kauffrau/-mann für Bürokommunikation (Office Communication Assistant): BA Social Sciences
- Kauffrau/-mann im Einzelhandel (Retail Clerk): Law, BA Social Sciences, BSc Business Administration
- Kauffrau/-mann im Groß- und Außenhandel (Wholesale and Export Clerk): BA Social Sciences, BSc Business Administration
- Kaufmännische/r Assistent/in (Commercial Assistant): BSc Business Administration
- Karosserie- und Fahrzeugbaumechaniker (Mechanic for Body and Vehicle Construction): BSc Mechatronics
- Konditor/in (Confectioner): BSc Technical Education – Food Science
- Kosmetiker/in (Beautician): BSc Chemistry
- Landwirtschaftlich-technische/r Assistent/in: BSc Molekulare und Angewandte Pflanzenwissenschaften
- Mechaniker/in für Karosserieinstandhaltungstechnik (Mechanic for Vehicle Bodywork Maintenance): BSc Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatroniker/in (Mechatronics Engineer): BSc Mechanical Engineering, BSc Mechatronics,
- Mediengestalter/in für Digital- und Printmedien Medientechnik (Media Designer for Digital and Print Media Technology): BSc Computer Science
- Medizinisch-Techniche/r Laborassistent/in (Medical-Technical Laboratory Assistant): BSc Biochemistry
- Pflanzentechnologe/technologin: BSc Molekulare und Angewandte Pflanzenwissenschaften
- Pharmazeutisch-kaufmännische/r Angestellte/r (Pharmaceutical-Commercial Assistant): BSc Business Administration
- Physiotherapeut/in (Physiotherapist): BA Special Needs Education
- Rechtsanwalts- und Notarangestellte/r (Lawyer’s and Notary’s Assistant): Law, BSc Business Administration
- Restaurantfachfrau/-mann (Restaurant Manager): BSc Technical Education – Food Science
- Schädlingsbekämpfer/in (Pest Control Officer): BSc Chemistry
- Schilder- und Lichtreklamehersteller/in (Sign and Light Advertising Maker): BSc Technical Education – Colour Technology and Interior Decoration
- Staatlich geprüfte/r Informatiker/in Softwaretechnologie (State-examined Computer Scientist in Software Technology): BSc Nanotechnology
- Staatlich geprüfte/r physikalisch-technische/r Assistent/in (State-examined Physical-Technical Assistant): BSc Nanotechnology (with at least three years of training)
- Staatlich geprüfter Technische/r Assistent/in für Informatik (State-examined Technical Assistant for Computer Science): BSc Computer Science (with at least three years of training)
- Steuerfachangestellte/r (Tax Clerk): BSc Engineering and Business Administration, BSc Business Administration
- Technischer Zeichner Fachrichtung Maschinen- und Anlagentechnik (Draughtsman specialising in Machine and Plant Engineering) : BSc Mechanical Engineering
- Tischler/in (Joiner): BSc Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bachelor’s Technical Education – Wood Technology
- Vermessungstechniker/in (Surveying Technician): BSc Geodesy and Geoinformatics
- Verwaltungsfachangestellte/r (Administrative Officer): BA political sciences, Law, BA social sciences, BSc Business Administration
- Veterinär-medizinisch-technischer Assistent/in (Medical-Technical Veterinary Assistant): BSc Biochemistry
- Wirtschaftsassistent/in mit Schwerpunkt Informatik (Administrative Assistant specialising in IT): BSc Computer Science (with at least three years of training)
- Zerspannungsmechaniker/in (Cutting Machine Operator): BSc Mechanical Engineering
As the above list is being continually extended, your vocational qualification might not yet be listed here. In this case, you can enquire from our Registration Office. Eligibility for the degree course you wish to take will be examined there. For this please include your training / apprenticeship and employment certificates.
University entrance Qualification
To embark on a master’s degree a first undergraduate degree is required, e.g. bachelor’s or state examination. You find further information under Applying at the Leibniz University Hannover.
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Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover

Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover