Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) resumes on-campus learning in winter semester 2021/2022. This is possible due to the 3G rule: Anyone accessing LUH buildings must provide proof of full vaccination against Covid-19 or proof of recovery. Otherwise, a negative and official test result must be provided. These provisions remain unchanged until further notice from university management - even though some limitations in the Hannover region have recently been relaxed due to decreasing incidence rates. LUH attaches great importance to ensuring the well-being of all university members - currently about 30,000 students and more than 5,000 members of staff - and aims to facilitate on-campus learning as safely as possible. Moreover, the extensive 3G monitoring system cannot be resumed at short notice if incidence rates increase again. Further information regarding the 3G rule at LUH can be found on the FAQ website (chapter 1).
Updated regulations apply for anyone providing proof of 3G compliance in the form of a test result: From now on, all LUH students and members of staff may bring a test kit in order to conduct a test via the testing facility located in the main university building ("Welfenschloss"). In this case, tests may be conducted free of charge. Only Roche, CLUNGENE, BOSON Biotech or LEPU MEDICAL test kits will be accepted. If a test kit cannot be provided or is not accepted, tests may be conducted for a fee amounting to €10. Further information on the LUH testing facility can be found on the FAQ website (section 1.4.2).