Dear colleagues,
I would like to take this opportunity to provide further information on changes implemented due to the coronavirus pandemic. The State of Lower Saxony has developed a step-by-step plan for everyday life during the pandemic, which can be found here:
In view of this, Leibniz University Hannover will take cautious steps towards relaxing certain restrictions. However, the health of staff and students continues to be our highest priority.
With certain restrictions, the regulations implemented with regard to working from home will be gradually relaxed from 11 May in order to enable members of staff to work on campus. For specific information, please consult your supervisor. Offices shall only be occupied if sufficient distance is ensured while observing the implemented hygiene measures. Further details can be found in the general hygiene measures as well as on our corona website at The respective supervisors shall decide whether duties at LUH must be carried out on-site or may be performed while working from home. With regard to protecting more vulnerable groups, working from home is encouraged. (see FAQ 4.1 ff.)
External guests are still not permitted to enter LUH buildings, other forms of communication should be utilised for work-related meetings. In general, internal meetings involving more than two people are not permitted. In the case of essential internal meetings, the implemented hygiene measures must be observed. (see FAQ 4.2) Generally, LUH events involving external guests have been suspended (see FAQ 10.1).
The hygiene concept for written and oral examinations recently published on our corona website includes a code of conduct as well as information on implementing specific hygiene measures:
Students are still not permitted to enter LUH buildings (exceptions: see FAQ 3.1). However, the PC lab on the second floor as well as the study areas on the fourteenth floor on Conti-Campus are scheduled to reopen on 18 May and may be accessed by students of all faculties upon prior registration. This measure is aimed at students facing challenges due to the current situation, such as insufficient technical equipment, family issues, etc. Further information on this will be provided next week (Wednesday/Thursday) in a separate email. The same applies to TIB reading areas, which are scheduled to reopen gradually from 18 May. Since individual hygiene measures must be prepared for all areas, this might take some time. Thank you for your patience. In addition, we are currently in the process of determining whether take away meals might be available at Contine.
Furthermore, there is good news regarding sports activities. After the revision of the regulations to prevent the infection and spread of the coronavirus issued by the State of Lower Saxony, outdoor public and private sports facilities for contact-less work outs have been reopened. In close cooperation with the Occupational Safety Department, the University Sports Centre is currently in the process of developing a concept for reopening SportCAMPUS. With some restrictions, on-site university sports facilities are scheduled to reopen on 18 May. Further information and details on the digital and on-site sports programme in summer semester 2020, as well as measures implemented on SportCAMPUS can be found on the website of the University Sports Centre at
The coronavirus will continue to shape our everyday lives for quite some time - both personally and professionally. University management strives to protect all university members in the best possible way, while enabling teaching staff, researchers and members of administrative staff to complete their tasks in an efficient, committed, successful and independent manner.
In some instances, this can be challenging - but I am confident that we will get through this together!
Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Volker Epping
President of Leibniz University Hannover