Leibniz University Hannover University News & Events
Message from university management to LUH students

Message from university management to LUH students

Initial thoughts on online learning

Dear students,

I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the first week of online lectures.

First of all, I wish to thank all students for embracing this new form of learning with confidence and curiosity. We are aware that this situation presents many opportunities and challenges. I wish to thank all members of teaching staff for devoting much time and energy in order to facilitate online learning formats. Furthermore, I wish to thank all members of administrative staff for their unwavering and highly committed support as well as for adjusting and expanding technological resources repeatedly.

In short, we have succeeded in spite of some difficulties. Approximately 22,500 students and 2,000 members of teaching staff have accessed our systems since Sunday. As many exercises start next week, these figures will increase significantly over time. Members of teaching staff have already prepared more than 2,000 videos; approximately 1,000 courses take place via our video platform Flowcasts. Overall, more than 2,000 courses have incorporated digital media. In spite of the difficulties mentioned earlier, I am delighted about this impressive outcome.

We certainly need to readjust some measures. For example, we are currently in the process of upgrading specific hardware that is difficult to procure due to the coronavirus pandemic, but will arrive shortly. This will ensure sufficient stability in online learning formats. We have asked members of teaching staff to use stable LAN connections on the campus of Leibniz University Hannover to prevent technical disruptions in online learning. In addition, we aim to provide solutions for students who lack necessary online learning equipment at home. Moreover, faculties and administrative staff intend to provide access to selected work and laboratory areas. In light of the coronavirus pandemic, this requires special hygiene and security provisions.

Further information can be found on our online learning website at https://www.uni-hannover.de/en/universitaet/aktuelles/corona/online-studium/

The university is currently in the process of analysing feedback on difficulties in order to determine where support is needed. It is our aim and obligation to improve online teaching and provide problem-free learning. This is a learning curve for us all.

If you have any feedback, please send this to vpl@uni-hannover.de.

With the support of various administrative units, the Presidential Board will analyse and process the feedback. I would also like to thank the students’ union (AStA), which has been gathering feedback from the student body.

I would also like to provide some information regarding examinations. We are aware than many of you still need to sit examinations that were originally scheduled for the winter semester and had to be suspended since 14 March due to the corona pandemic. The faculties and the department for Student and Academic Matters (Dezernat 6) are in the process or rescheduling these written examinations for the period after Pentecost. Examinations will be held in large spaces and, if necessary, in groups that simultaneously sit the examination. You will receive information on the time and venue of the relevant examination at least two weeks in advance.

Special hygiene requirements must be observed during written examinations in order to keep you and your fellow students safe and healthy. You will be duly informed of the hygiene measures or can view these on the website. The measures include maintaining distance when arriving and leaving, preventing queues outside of the examination venue beforehand, the use of face masks to cover the mouth and nose, as well as disinfecting the rooms.

The relevant examiner will inform you in good time about taking individual oral examinations. The specified hygiene requirements must also be observed for oral examinations. Oral examinations held in groups are not possible for the time being. If you still need to sit an oral supplementary examination, the Examination Office will duly notify you of the date.

I am certain that together we will make the summer semester successful for everyone involved!

Yours sincerely,
Prof. Dr. Volker Epping