Dear students,
As promised, we would like to provide further information regarding availability of study areas at Leibniz University Hannover and TIB on Conti-Campus. The coronavirus pandemic forces us to take very cautious steps towards relaxing restrictions. Prior to opening any areas, it is strictly necessary to implement approved hygiene measures, which requires considerable effort in terms of organisation.
In light of this, I am delighted that the PC lab on the second floor of the Faculty of Economics and Management on Conti-Campus (1501) will be available for students of all faculties from Monday 18 May. For the time being, the PC lab can be accessed for a limited amount of time on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Detailed information on opening hours can be found on our corona website at Students enrolled at LUH may book time slots for accessing the PC lab via the following website:
In addition, study areas on the fourteenth floor of the Conti building will be available for students of all faculties from next Monday. Slots must be booked in advance via the ZQS website at
TIB reference resources on Conti-Campus will be available from 18 May. TIB facilities may be accessed by a maximum of 100 users. Furthermore, circulation desks in the social sciences section will be reopened.
Further information regarding opening hours and terms of use will be available on the TIB website at
Prospectively, the Science/Technology and Conti-Campus locations will reopen on 2 June, enabling students and staff to access study areas and reference material to a limited extent. Moreover, the information desk at both locations will be available again. For further information, please refer to the website mentioned above.
Finally, I would like to address an important matter. At the moment, PC lab workspaces as well as study areas on the fourteenth floor are limited. For this reason, these areas should be reserved for students facing challenges in order to enable them to work in a quiet environment with adequate technical equipment. Therefore, I would like to urge users to show solidarity. In the interest of all, please keep in mind the implemented measures and provisions, which are necessary to ensure the well-being of your fellow students, our staff as well as your own personal health.
Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Volker Epping
President of Leibniz University Hannover