Dear colleagues,
Since the duration and extent of the coronavirus pandemic is impossible to predict, we are currently preparing to transfer teaching activities in the summer semester to online formats. The following options and tools for off-campus teaching including support services have been compiled by the Centre for Quality Enhancement in Teaching and Learning (ZQS) and the E-Learning Service Department (elsa) in collaboration with the Teaching Department of Human Resources Development.
Transferring 1,500 lectures per semester to online formats will be a big challenge for all those involved - especially in your role as members of teaching staff - both in terms of technology and organisation. We would therefore like to encourage you to familiarise yourself with these options, ask questions, make use of support services, as well as to exchange creative and innovative ideas with your colleagues in order to provide successful teaching and learning formats at our university.
We are currently working vigorously on developing structures as well as on providing suitable materials; further content will be added in the coming days and weeks.
Thank you, once again, for your cooperation and commitment. If you should have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Dr. Volker Epping
Teaching activities in summer semester 2020 / online teaching formats
We would like to present various options for transferring your teaching activities in summer semester 2020 to online formats. The following includes information on technological options (such as tools for recording lectures or for providing materials), as well as recommendations regarding which tools are suitable for which teaching forms (lectures, seminars, colloquiums) and how to use them while working from home.
Online information
Detailed information on the options provided below can be found on the central website. At the beginning of next week, tutorials and handbooks for tools will be provided on the website, both in German and English. Further (software-specific) documentation will be available as soon as possible. Furthermore, we are in the process of developing fully accessible solutions. The latest information will be published on the website, which will be updated on a regular basis.
For any queries, or for requesting access credentials, please contact ZQS/elsa at Requests will be processed via a ticketing system.
Online teaching options
For all of the following online teaching options, please refer to the tutorials and handbooks on the website as well as the abovementioned support address.
1. Providing standard documents (e.g. PPT, lecture notes) via Stud.IP when working from home
PowerPoint slides and lecture notes can be made available when working from home. Via the forum, Wiki and the Blubber chat function, it is possible to communicate within the respective course and refer to further teaching materials. On the following page, you will find guidelines for using Stud.IP.
2. Providing documents and explanatory audio when working from home
Documents featuring explanatory audio can be made available when working from home with the use of a computer and headset or microphone (notebooks generally feature both). Depending on the operating system, corresponding software may be required.
3. Providing video content when working from home
Video content can also be made available when working from home. This requires a computer with a camera and a headset or microphone (notebooks generally feature both) as well as a tool or software for recording. Videos can then be uploaded to the Flowcast system provided by ZQS/elsa. In order to use the recording tool, teaching staff must – personally or collectively via the institute – request access at
4. Recording selected lectures on campus
Although dependent on the development of the current pandemic and the applicable measures, we are working tirelessly to ensure that recorded lectures on campus at Leibniz University Hannover can be resumed as soon as possible.
5. Synchronous communication
Various tool are currently being considered in order to enable synchronous communication that can ensure reliable service over an extended period of time. Information on this will be updated regularly on the website.
6. Existing online learning modules via ILIAS
Online learning modules for ILIAS that were produced in previous semesters can continue to be used, if available.
7. Existing video content
The same applies for video content that was recorded in previous semesters, that is still relevant and can be taught in this form again (e.g. foundation courses). In order to enable use of this content again, please write an email to
8. Labs and Practical Excercices
Experimental labs and practical exercises that cannot be conducted via online formates have to be postponed until further notice and shall be conducted as blocked or compact courses. These will take place during the semester and also in the semester break.