Exciting news! As part of the Franco-German University (FGU/ DFH), there are now new funding opportunities for scientific events aimed specifically at young scientists. Imagine you can organize a research workshop or summer school - together with a partner from France! The projects should take at least two days and can last up to four weeks. And best of all: you can receive up to €15,000 in funding for your event! In 2025, there will be three calls for proposals from the FGU: one general call and two on the topics of “Securing democracy as a challenge for society as a whole” and “Artificial intelligence and its challenges”.
You can find all the details about the calls for applications on the FGU Webseite.
No matter which subject area you come from, this flexible funding is open to you!
Are you interested or do you know someone who would like to take part? Then please share this information! If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Leprévost (+49-681-93812-105, leprevost@dfh-ufa.org).