1. Motivation
To promote cooperation between German and African research institutions, the Daimler and Benz Foundation intends to provide funding for a joint research project. The Foundation does not specify a thematic focus, but the projects should be in keeping with the Foundation’s purpose, as formulated in its Statutes, of “promoting interaction between people, the environment, and technology” and thus promote science and research.
2. Focus of application
A substantial portion of the research project must be carried out on location at African institutions. It should primarily constitute neither a visiting program for African scientists at German institutions nor, vice versa, a program purely for the advancement of young scientists.
The funding is to be provided for projects at scientific institutions based in sub-Saharan, eastern, or western Africa.
Consolidation of the cooperation within the framework of the initiated activities is desirable beyond completion of the project, but this is not a prerequisite for funding. Further funding from the Foundation is not possible after the end of the funding period.
3. Use of the funding budget
Funding of up to 300,000 euros in total can be applied for over a maximum period of three years; this is largely intended for the benefit of the African partners. In view of the Foundation’s non-profit status, the funds may only be transferred and accounted for via the third-party funding offices of German research institutions.
4. Applications
Please submit your application online (https://bit.ly/3zl8cFw) in one single PDF file by November 1, 2024 at the latest. The Foundation does not provide a template for this purpose. The application must contain the following information:
a) Name, institution and contact details of the applicant, and a list of the scientists and/or institutions participating in the research project (max. 2 A4 pages); CVs or lists of publications are not required.
b) Project title and description (max. 5 A4 pages, without references)
c) Proposed budget (1 A4 page); please state in tabular form the expected costs for personnel, travel, and materials, indicating the overall budget for the entire duration of the project. Please note: The Foundation bases its approval of positions in Germany on the “Hinweise zur Bezahlung von Promovierenden“ (Guidelines for the Payment of Doctoral Candidates; in German only) of the German Research Foundation.
After submitting your application, you will receive prompt confirmation of receipt. Following a comparative preliminary selection process, the Foundation will subject individual applications to external review. The final decision on the awarding of funds is made by the Executive Board and the Management of the Foundation.
5. Contact
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Jörg Klein, Managing Director of the Foundation:
Tel.: +49 6203-10920
E-Mail: info@daimler-benz-stiftung.de