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Book launch and talk on Nazi injustices at the Technische Hochschule Hannover

Book launch and talk on Nazi injustices at the Technische Hochschule Hannover

Press release from

Publication from Senate working group to be presented in public talk on the topic

To mark the publication of the book Unjust actions during the Nazi period at Technische Hochschule Hannover – Restrictions and preferential treatment from 1933 to 1945, Leibniz University Hannover is holding two events: 

Book launch for university members

University members, students and interested media representatives are invited to the book launch on Wednesday, 16 November 2016 at 2:00 pm in the atrium of the main university building (Welfenschloss), Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover. In addition to Prof. Dr. Volker Epping, president of Leibniz University Hannover, the speakers will include the chair of the working group on titles and Senate spokesperson Prof. Dr. Holger Butenschön and Dr. Hans-Peter Bull, legal reviewer for the section on preferential treatment. Members of the media are asked to register in advance at kommunikation@uni-hannover.de.

Public talk

A second event on Thursday, 17 November 2016 is intended for the general public. All those interested are invited to attend a talk on the publication by Prof. Dr. Michele Barricelli (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, formerly employed in the Leibniz University Hannover History Department) at 6:30 pm. The talk is titled “A university and its history: Nazi injustices at the Technische Hochschule Hannover from 1933 to 1945”. The event will most likely also be held in the atrium at Leibniz University Hannover (please be sure to check the website for potential changes to the location www.uni-hannover.de). Please register at kommunikation@uni-hannover.de.

Background information: In recent years, a working group initiated by the Presidential Board and established with the approval of the Senate has conducted an extensive review of the awarding and withdrawal of titles at the Technische Hochschule Hannover, Leibniz University Hannover’s predecessor institution, during the Nazi period. The results have now been published as a book by the Imhof publishing house. The book contains the edited reports produced by the working group since the end of 2011 through more than 40 meetings as well as archival and literature research. The first part deals with restrictions imposed as a result of Nazi injustices. The second part, which is based on more extensive research, deals with diverse forms of preferential treatment. The focus is on unjustified appointments, nominations and, in particular, honours granted on the basis of Nazi privileges.

Note to editors

For further information, please contact Mechtild Freiin v. Münchhausen, head of Communications and Marketing and spokesperson for Leibniz University Hannover (tel: +49 511 762 5342; mobile: +49 177 373 4026; email:  kommunikation@uni-hannover.de).