Dear students and colleagues,
At its meeting yesterday, the Presidential Board resolved to suspend the 3G rule that applied to access LUH buildings. The decision was made based on the current assessment of the burden on the health system by the Lower Saxony government, the fact that most public measures to prevent infection have been lifted, and the end of free testing.
The Presidential Board and the university’s emergency committee will continue to carefully monitor the situation, remain in exchange with the other universities in Lower Saxony and stay abreast of discussions on the topic in state government.
However, to protect yourself and others – especially vulnerable persons at LUH – I urge you all to continue testing – be it at a testing facility or via self-test – prior to meeting with multiple persons, for example. I also urge you all to continue wearing face masks where distancing is not possible, where proper ventilation is difficult or where many people gather in a confined space.
The rules for events of a public nature (e.g. conferences, congresses, readings, receptions, presentations, etc. also with external guests) shall continue to apply: the organiser may decide whether the 3G rule (including checks) applies and whether face masks are required indoors.
The Presidential Board will provide information in due course concerning the conditions that will apply for the winter semester; at this time, this largely depends on the development of the pandemic, political discussion and future legal framework.
I wish you all success and health for the rest of the lecture period and, hopefully, a carefree summer!
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Dr. Volker Epping