Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) maintains contact in research and teaching with four universities in Israel. From 30 April to 3 May 2022, Prof. Dr. Volker Epping (President of LUH) and Prof. Dr. Christina von Haaren (Vice President for International Affairs and Sustainability) accompanied Björn Thümler (Minister of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony) and Dr. Sabine Johannsen (state secretary) on their delegation visit to Israel. In this context, they signed three agreements on future collaborations with Technion - Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa. The connection between LUH and Technion established in 2005 will now be extended.
Cooperation between Hannover and Haifa
A Memorandum of Understanding defines academic cooperation between LUH and Technion. "We aim to extend scientific connections, facilitate academic cooperation, improve educational opportunities and enrich the education and research environment as well as international and intercultural understanding", says Volker Epping, President of LUH. The agreement focuses on the exchange of students and academic staff between Hannover and Haifa, as well as on research collaborations.
In addition to the Memorandum of Understanding, an agreement on student exchange was signed to promote cooperation over the following years. Based on this, both universities can send selected students to the other institution in order to complete courses or to participate in research projects. Each semester, three students per university will participate in the exchange programme.
Additional partners in Lower Saxony
An additional Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Technion, LUH, University of Göttingen and TU Braunschweig, which will promote the cooperation across Lower Saxony. "This reciprocal agreement expresses the interest of all partners to exchange researchers, students as well as academic information and material, says Professor Epping and emphasises: "We are convinced that this will improve processes in research and education as well as the mutual understanding of researchers and students at the involved institutions."
Initially, the memorandum is scheduled for a period of five years. The memorandum focuses on the exchange of lecturers and students, joint supervision of theses and doctoral candidates, the development of teaching activities, the exchange of academic information as well as the publication and organisation of shared research programmes, conferences and other academic exchange programmes. Moreover, the universities are committed to strengthening cooperation between academic and commercial partners, for example through joint research projects, student internships in businesses and institutions as well as other activities connecting the universities with commercial and industry partners.