Leibniz University Hannover University News & Events Events
Green borders, individual dance spaces and ‘yes-sayer’ – on the complexity of intersectional border walks
07 Dec
07. December 2023

Green borders, individual dance spaces and ‘yes-sayer’ – on the complexity of intersectional border walks

We invite you to the interactive talk “Green borders, individual dance spaces and ‘yes-sayer’ – on the complexity of intersectional border walks” on the 07. December 2023 at 4:30 pm at Leibnizhaus, Karmarschraum, Holzmarkt 5, 30159 Hannover.

The interactive talk will attempt to shed some light on the complexity of boundaries and finding ways to state boundaries and articulating needs. The talk is aimed at all members of LUH who are interested, but especially PhD-students and Postdocs.


Dr. Kerstin Büschges

Event organiser/s

Hochschulbüro für ChancenVielfalt


07. December 2023
16:30 o'clock - 18:30 o'clock

Contact information

Hochschulbüro für ChancenVielfalt


Holzmarkt 5
30159 Hannover

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