Symmetries in Quantum Gravity
In this Kolloquium I will highlight the role of symmetries in the investigation of theories of quantum gravity. In particular, I will rely on two consistency conditions: First, theories of quantum gravity do not allow for global symmetries. Second, gauge symmetries should not be broken, even at the quantum level. Applying these principles one is able to extract universal rules for consistent quantum gravity theories, which get sharpened after the inclusion of so-called generalized symmetries. I will demonstrate the success and predictive power of such an approach in string theory and beyond.
Dr. Markus Dierigl
LMU München
Event organiser/s
Institut für Theoretische Physik
13. September 202414:15 o'clock - 16.00 o'clock
PhysikgebäudeBuilding: 3701
Room: 267
Appelstraße 2
30167 Hannover