The Hannover Centre for Production Technology (PZH) was built in Garbsen in 2004 and houses six mechanical engineering institutes from the field of production technology. An "open centre" created in the middle of the building complex emphasises the concept of networking between the university and industry partners, as well as cooperation in teaching, research and practice.
Surrounding the centre are institute buildings, seminar rooms, lecture halls and laboratories. Next to the centre are three workshops where experiments are carried out.
The PZH also has a library and a cafeteria. The new university location was funded by the state of Lower Saxony and industry partners. The aim was to intensify cooperation between private companies and the university's production technology institutes. The centre is now home to a number of companies specialising in production technology.

The complex is located on a university development site in the town of Garbsen. Prior to the construction of the PZH, the striking Laboratory for Underwater Technology (UWTH, Lise Meitner-Straße 1) had already been built there in 1997. Among other things, the laboratory houses several water tanks for testing underwater robots.
Another new building for the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering will be built in the immediate vicinity of the PZH from 2014, with experimental halls, laboratories and lecture halls. Eleven of the faculty's institutes, currently housed in the northern part of Hannover, will move into the new complex.