The Theodor Lessing building
Welfengarten 2C

Today's Theodor Lessing building at Welfengarten 2C was built in 1953 as the main cafeteria of Technische Hochschule Hannover and now houses various university facilities. During the 1960s and 1970s, student numbers increased considerably and gradually outgrew the original cafeteria’s capacity.
With the construction of the main cafeteria at Callinstraße in 1981, the social sciences library was relocated to the building at Welfengarten.
It was previously located in the multi-purpose building at Schneiderberg. Most institutes in the field of social sciences remained at Schneiderberg 50.
The office of the students' union (AStA) is located on the first floor of the low building. The building also accommodates Psychological Counselling for Students. Behind the building a hall of residence was built in the 1950s, which has housed the university’s staff council since 2006. Following an initiative of researchers in the field of social sciences and a resolution by the Senate, the Theodor Lessing building was named after the Hanoverian philosopher, who was murdered in exile by Nazis in 1933.