Appointment request: Registration city of Hannover ("Bürgeramt")
Important Information
- Appointments are allocated by the Bürgeramt Aegidientorplatz.
- You will receive an appointment call number by e-mail, which will give you access to the building.
- Please bring all necessary documents in printed form with you.
- Please arrive punctually for the appointment.
- Registration on this website does not imply any guarantee or claim to an appointment, as appointments are limited.
- Registration with the city is only possible for people who live in the city of Hannover. Persons living in the Hannover Region should contact the local Citizens' Office.
Documents to bring
- Identification documents
- Landlord's confirmation (printed and signed)
- For married persons: Marriage certificate
For further information please check the website of the Bürgeramt here.
*) Mandatory fields, please complete.
Landlord confirmation
30 KB
Information on data protection
140 KB
Julia Harmeling
Administrative/Technical Staff
Welfengarten 1A
30167 Hannover
30167 Hannover