Biomedical Research and Technology

© Niedersächsisches Zentrum für Biomedizintechnik, Implantatforschung und Entwicklung (NIFE)

Increasing resistance to antibiotics, lifestyle diseases, and an ageing society – in the key research area Biomedical Research and Technology, researchers from various disciplines are working on solutions to current societal challenges.

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The key research area includes research in the field of chemical-biological drugs, as well as the development of individualised, functional and infection-resistant solid-state and tissue implants to effectively cure organ damage. At the Centre of Biomolecular Drug Research (BMWZ), scientists are researching new anti-viral, antibiotic and anti-tumour substances; their chemo-biosynthesis; and the development of drug delivery systems. The scientific activities in the field of biomedical engineering are united at the Lower Saxony Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Implant Research and Development (NIFE). Here, the research focus is on the development of implant sensor technology (e.g. cochlear implants); the development, production and functionalisation of biomaterials; and the development of technologies and methods for analysis and simulation. Close cooperation with strong partners – particularly with Hannover Medical School (MHH) – broadens the scientific expertise and the array of research at Leibniz University Hannover, ensuring practical relevance and applicability.