Research stays abroad

© Anne Spickhoff (Bologna, Fotowettbewerb 2019)

Research stays abroad can be personally and professionally enriching – both for the traveller and for people in the country they are visiting. Other (scientific) cultures and new perspectives provide the opportunity to expand your horizons and make substantial progress.

This website provides information to help you prepare for your research stay abroad.

Before your stay

© Lauren Mancke (Unsplash)
  • Purpose of your stay

    Doctoral candidates who wish to spend time abroad during their doctoral studies should plan their stay as soon as possible. First of all, you should determine the purpose and duration of your stay.

    • international conference or workshop
    • laboratory or archive visit of short duration
    • teaching abroad
    • summer or winter academy
    • extended research visit
  • Funding for short-term stays

    Conferences and short-term research stays (maximum: one month)

    • Graduate Academy: Provides a travel allowance for participating in conferences or congresses which can also be granted for research stays with a maximum duration of four weeks.
    • DAAD: Offers two funding lines that foster the mobility of doctoral candidates who wish to participate in conferences and congresses.
    • ILSSE is a programme to promote academic cooperation between Germany and Israel and the Palestinian Territories.


    Teaching mobility


    University courses and language courses

    • PROMOS: Funding for participation in specific university courses and language courses in Russia and Asia (PROMOS funding programme).
  • Funding for long-term stays

    at Leibniz University Hannover

    • Graduate Academy: awards research mobility grants (Scholarship for a research stay abroad). The maximum funding period is six months.

    External funding providers

    • DAAD: provides funding for research stays abroad. Further information on subject-specific funding can be found in the  DAAD Database
    • Erasmus+: Doctoral candidates may conduct research at one of our partner universities for a maximum of two semesters within the scope of the  Erasmus+ Programme
    • Minerva Fellowship Programme: enables Israeli and German scientists to complete a research residency at institutions in the respective other country for a maximum of 24 months.

    • In addition, there are various funding opportunities for specific countries. For further information, please contact the regional coordinators of the International Office.
  • Visa, leave of absence, insurance


    Depending on your destination, you should check administrative requirements in good time.

    • Which entry and residence requirements apply in the target country?
    • Which visa should I apply for?
    • Which documents are required for the visa application?
    • Where and when do I apply?
    • Can I use my current visa to enter another country or to conduct research there?
    • How much is the visa application fee?


    Crisis prevention list

    We recommend to register yourself in the crisis prevention list of your home country, irrespective of your destination or the duration of your period abroad. German citizens can register in the “ELEFAND” list of the Federal Foreign Office.



    Leave of absence

    Please contact the Admissions Office if you intend to take leave of absence for spending time abroad.
    Members of research staff should contact the Personnel and Legal Department.


    Please remember to sort out issues such as health care, insurances, etc.

    Accident insurance of Leibniz University Hannover
    In the case of periods abroad, insurance cover is only provided if the stay is organised by a German university. Generally, only periods abroad led and organised by a German university are covered. Independent stays abroad are not covered, even if they are supported by a German university and, for example, are considered necessary for completing a doctorate.   

  • Accommodation and further queries


        Doctoral candidates who will be spending time abroad can sublet their apartment or room in Hannover to international students via the accommondation service of the International Office. 

    Further queries

    Please contact the regional coordinators at the International Office in case of any further queries.
    Moreover, information and tips regarding individual countries can be found on the website of the Federal Foreign Office.


Lena Benjes
Welfengarten 1A
30167 Hannover
Lena Benjes
Welfengarten 1A
30167 Hannover