Information on Withdrawal

© Brooke Lark / Unsplash

The deregistration or withdrawal is an administrative process and means the removal from the student list of a university, For example, after graduation or the final failure of an exam.

Am I automatically withdrawn from the University after the last exam?

  • Usually, you will only be withdrawn from the university at the end of a degree programme at your request.
  • This ensures that the central university withdrawal certificate that needs to be issued and the certificate for the state pension fund as a reason for the withdrawal from the university include the conformation of the successful conclusion of the programme.
  • Re-registration is only possible if a justified interest in resuming the degree can be proven, e.g. for a doctorate.
  • Please email the signed application as a PDF to
Application form for withdrawal from the University/ Antrag auf Exmatrikulation
PDF, 656 KB

What do I need to be aware of when withdrawing from the University?

  • You are withdrawn from the university at the requested time, unless other requests have been made, as of the end of the current semester. The summer semester ends on 30th September, the winter semester on 31st March of a year.
  • You can apply for exmatriculation as soon as you have been informed that you have completed your programme (e.g. with a 4.0 certificate). It is not necessary to remain enroled until the final degree documents are issued.
  • If you withdraw before the beginning of the semester or within one month after the start of the lecture period, you are entitled to a refund of the entire semester fee.
  • If you withdraw from the university in the middle of a semester, the semester card from AStA will be reimbursed on a pro rata basis (Note: Without application for reimbursement (German Language only), money transfer is not possible).
  • Also, if you withdraw from the university in the middle of a semester, you should check whether your health insurance cover is still valid.
  • A backdated withdrawal from the university is not possible.
  • In principle, an ongoing examination procedure is not automatically ended by a withdrawal. If you are in the middle of an examination process, you must apply for a release from the examination process from the Academic Examination Office before you withdraw from the university.
Application for reimbursement
PDF, 40 KB

General Enrolment regulations of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Hannover
PDF, 44 KB

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