With their wealth of expertise and experience, their high level of commitment, their dedication and their willingness to try new things, LUH lecturers bring courses to life. They motivate their students, create a supportive learning culture and impart subject-specific and interdisciplinary skills in a sustainable and innovative way. You can find examples of this commitment here. Let yourself be inspired and use the ideas provided to further develop your teaching.
Teach & Tell
Video portraits as inspiration for teaching practice
Digital field trips
Prof. Dr. Jutta Papenbrock, Institute of Botany
Travelling to distant countries and getting to know their ecosystems without getting on a plane? The digital field trips offered by the Institute of Botany in the ILIAS learning management system make this possible. Prof. Dr. Jutta Papenbrock reports on her experience with the implementation of this project and explains why images play an important role.
Exercise groups for content repetition
Dr. Marcos Soriano Sola, Institute of Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics
New students of mathematics often find it difficult to repeat content. Dr. Marcos Soriano Sola from the Institute of Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics explains how exercise groups in the ILIAS learning management system can provide support.
Establishing self-learning components
Jana Wende, Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education
Taking the pressure off teaching staff and enabling students to learn individually: Jana Wende from the Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education explains how blended learning concepts and digital tools can contribute to doing this.
Digitally supporting project-oriented learning
Jan Heiko Wohltmann, Institute of Special Education
How can student teachers be motivated to produce content actively and independently? Jan Heiko Wohltmann from the Institute of Special Education explains how he used the ILIAS learning management system to make his teaching project-oriented.
Socratic method
Dr. Dimitrios Parashu, Faculty of Law
Getting closer to the truth step by step: Dr. Dimitrios Parashu from the Faculty of Law introduces the Socratic method. It uses targeted questions to help students participate actively, even in larger groups.
STACK plug-in in ILIAS for mathematics
Dr. Marcos Soriano Sola, Institute of Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics
Get feedback at the touch of a button: Dr. Marcos Soriano Sola from the Institute of Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics reports on the advantages of the STACK plug-in in the ILIAS learning management system for self-directed learning.
Have you also had good experiences with methods and/or tools in your teaching? Tell us about it. We’d love to expand the "Teach & Tell" video series together with you. Contact: website-lehre@uni-hannover.de
The video series is produced by the ZQS/elsa Media Production.
Teaching Prize

Motivation and inspiration, strategy and transfer, or professionalisation and teaching culture: each year, the LUH Teaching Prize recognises particularly committed teaching members and excellent teaching in these three key areas of teaching. Find out more about the award winners and the awards process on the Teaching Prize website.
Counselling and Support
Would you like to further develop your teaching? Are you looking for advice on the use of various methods or tools or the creation of a teaching concept? The counselling and service units at LUH are happy to share their experience. Feel free to contact us.
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Vice President for Education

30167 Hannover