Leibniz University Hannover Studies Degree Programmes General Overview
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
(Bachelor of Science)

A woman explains a math problem on the blackboard to a man. © Tim Oberschulte
© Tim Oberschulte


Course type
Undergraduate studies (1 Subject bachelor)
Standard Course Duration
6 semesters
Course Start
Winter semester, Summer semester
Language of Instruction
Language Requirements

German HZB: none
International application: German C1
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Special Requirements

Pre-internship (recommended)

Unrestricted admission

Stay abroad possible, but not obligatory.

Short Description

Electrical engineering is omnipresent - from the smart factory to intelligent energy systems, the regenerative generation of electrical energy, e-mobility to medical technology. Electrical engineering and information technology play a key role in everyday life, medicine and industry and make our lives safer, healthier, more environmentally conscious and more versatile.

At Leibniz University Hannover, the focus is on the research areas of biomedical engineering, digital society, energy, robotics and intelligent systems.

Course Content

  • Track Automation and Robotics (formally Automation Technology)
  • Track Machine Learning (formally Computer Engineering)
  • Track Power and Mobility (formally Electric Power Engineering)
  • Track Microelectronics
  • Track Communications Engineering
Course Structure

The bachelor's degree in electrical engineering is divided into a foundation stage and an application stage and provides a broad, scientifically based education that is combined with practical skills. The four-semester foundation stage deals primarily with mathematics, mechanics and basic scientific and technical subjects. It also includes an 8-week internship. After studying the basics, students concentrate on one of the possible specializations in the application stage: automation and robotics, energy and mobility, communications engineering, microelectronics or machine learning.

In the two-semester application stage, students attend the core subjects control engineering I + II as well as application-oriented compulsory and elective courses of the chosen specialization. The degree programme also involves the Studium Generale, experimental lab work and project work. The application stage concludes with a Bachelor’s thesis. 

Kompetenzfeld/Semester   1 2 3 4 5 6
Mathematik, natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftliche Grundlagen Vorpraktikum

  • Mathematik 1 für Ingenieure
  • Technische Mechanik 1 für Elektrotechnik
  • Mathematik 2 für Ingenieure
  • Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen (Materialwissenschaften + Physik)
  • Technische Mechanik 2 für Elektrotechnik
  • Numerische Mathematik
  • Technische Wärmelehre
Informations- und Systemtechnik Grundlagen digitaler Systeme  
  • Grundzüge der Informatik und Programmierung
  • Signale und Systeme
Elektrotechnik Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik: Gleich- und Wechselstromnetzwerke
  • GruLaLa 1
  • Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik: elektrische und magnetische Felder
  • Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik: Spezielle Netzwerktheorie / GruLaLa 2
  • Grundlagen der elektromagnetischen Energiewandlung
Halbleiterelektronik / GruLaLa 3    

Wahlpflichtfach (Wahl 4 aus 7):

  • Grundlagen der elektrischen Energieversorgung
  • Grundlagen der Nachrichtentechnik
  • Grundlagen der Rechnerarchitektur
  • Grundlagen der elektrischen Messtechnik
  • Technische Schwingungslehre
  • Digitalschaltungen der Elektronik
  • Grundzüge der Konstruktionslehre
  • Regelungstechnik 1
  • Studienrichtung 2
  • Anwendung der Studienrichtung 2
  • Regelungstechnik 2
  • Studienrichtung 2
  • Anwendung der Studienrichtung 2
Zusatz- und Schlüsselkompetenzen Studieneinstiegsmodul: Ringvorlesung / Mathematische Methoden / Praxis elektrischer Methoden / Technisches Projekt      
  • Technisches Wahlfach
  • Studium Generale / Technischer Nachweis
Bachelorarbeit           Bachelorarbeit und Präsenation der Bachelorarbeit
Leistungspunkte 30 30 32 29 29 30
Recommended Abilities

Electrical engineering students should possess strong powers of imagination and abstraction. It is also important that they have a technical flair, an interest in mathematics and a logical way of thinking. Good foreign language skills are advantageous.

The programme involves eight weeks of basic internship, which prospective students are strongly recommended to complete before embarking on the degree programme. No specific time is set aside for completing this basic practical training during the degree programme.


Career Opportunities

Graduates work in R&D labs in virtually all branches of industry, for utility companies, software firms and services enterprises, as well as in the public sector, research institutes and educational institutions. They often start their careers in R&D, and increasingly take on management tasks at a later stage. The degree programme prepares students for independent work in research, development and production. It also qualifies them to work in technical sales and to assume executive positions in various corporate divisions.

Admission requirements and application

Admission Requirements

This degree programme is admission-free.
If you did not graduate from a German school nor have a German higher education entrance qualification (for example, the Abitur), a language certificate proving your knowledge of German is required for the application and enrollment.

Application Deadlines

1 June – 30 September of the year for the winter semester
1 December – 31 March of the year for the summer semester

  • Requirements for applications from non-EU countries:
    • VPD from uni-assist OR a passed assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung) of a preparatory foundation course (Studienkolleg)
    • Applications for the Studienkolleg must be submitted by 15 July (winter semester) or 15 January (summer semester).

Leibniz UNInsights – The student podcast

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Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (B.Sc.) - Torben talks about his studies

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Zentrale Studienberatung
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
Zentrale Studienberatung
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover