Economic Geography, Innovation and Sustainability
University Groningen, Netherlands
Computer Science - Specialisation in Logic and Computation (Double Degree, Master of Science)
TU Vienna, Austria
IT and IP Law (LL.M)
Double Degree Oslo-Hannover (DDOH)
Mechanical Engineering (Master of Science)
Keio University, Japan / Purdue University, USA
Landscape Sciences (Master of Science) / M.Ag. in Bioenvironment, Bioresources Engineering or Bioproduction
Yamagata University, Japan
Religion in the Public Sphere (Master of Arts)
University Södertörn (Schweden) / Roma Tre (Italien)
Power Engineering: Track Energy Technology (Master of Science)
LUT University, Finland
Internationalisation plays a major role at Leibniz University Hannover. This is also reflected in the range of degree programmes. An increasing number of programmes and tracks enable the acquisition of degrees in cooperation with other international universities – for example, in the form of double or triple degrees and joint degrees.
Double Degrees
What is a double degree?
The completion of a double degree leads to an academic degree at two different universities within one degree programme. Both universities issue a separate certificate; however, both certificates are interlinked in such a way that they form a single certificate in terms of content.
Triple and Joint Degrees
What are triple and joint degrees?
A triple degree leads to the acquisition of academic degree at three different universities within one degree programme. The certificates are issued separately by the universities, but they are closely interlinked in terms of content.
Joint degrees are degree programmes that are administered together by LUH and an international university. The universities involved issue one certificate together.
Additional information and requirements

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Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover

Service Hotline
Our service hotline will be pleased to assist you! Contact us via phone, e-mail or in person!
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover