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Frei gebliebene Studienplätze dieses Studiengangs werden kurz vor dem Vorlesungsbeginn über das Losverfahren vergeben.
Part-time study is optional.
German HZB: none
International application: German C1
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This programme is fee-based.
The distance learning programme in Water and Environment is a theory-based and practice-oriented interdisciplinary engineering course. The general aims include acquiring the ability to transfer theory-based knowledge to practical engineering applications, learning to think laterally in order to quickly familiarise oneself both methodologically and systematically with new issues, and training key transferable skills.
The specialist aim include:
The innovative approaches and special features of the distance learning programme in Water and Environment can be seen in the interdisciplinary nature of the Water and Environmental course content, the coupling of theory and practice, the training of supplementary and key transferable skills, as well as the multimedia preparation of study material and the special design of the course as a part-time distance learning programme.
The Master’s degree programme comprises a compulsory stage, a specialisation stage and the Master’s thesis (see Overview of Course Sequence). The individual modules are divided into a distance learning stage and an attendance stage, enabling students to take the programme while in employment. During the distance learning stage, students regularly receive study material that is made available via an internet platform. These study units combine text materials and assignments for completion during term time. During the attendance stage, all students, the team of supervisors, selected authors and other contributors come together to expand on the content. The attendance stages include project and practice-oriented elements which, due to the involvement of interactive and innovative aspects and teaching methods, help students to train key supplementary and transferable skills. The attendance stage ends with an examination. Students who have passed all of the necessary examinations then write a Master’s thesis (time allowed for completion: six months), leading to the conferral of the Master of Science degree.
Compulsory stage Credit points to be earned: |
Master’s thesis (time allowed for completion: 6 months) (30 CP) | |
Specialisation stage Credit points to be earned: |
Graduates of the degree programme have in-depth knowledge of science and engineering in areas relevant to the profession3; they have knowledge of methods in planning and modelling; and they are capable of thinking in an abstract, analytical and lateral way. Graduates are employed in engineering and planning offices specialising in environmental technology, in water supply and wastewater treatment, in energy production, in major industrial companies, in water resources management authorities, licensing and regulatory authorities.
An undergraduate degree in a related field of study, such as
For master's degree programmes with unrestricted admission, all applicants who fulfil the admission requirements will be admitted a university place. The exact admission requirements can be found in the admission regulations:
There is no minimum grade / entry grade for the Master''s application. Notwithstanding the currently valid admission regulations for Master''s programmes, the minimum grade of 2.5 is no longer applied. The admission regulations will be revised in this regard.
First-year students
Students resuming their studies and transfer students (application in a higher semester)
Keinen Studienplatz erhalten?
Frei gebliebene Studienplätze dieses Studiengangs werden kurz vor dem Vorlesungsbeginn über das Losverfahren vergeben.