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Joint statement by the Senate, the Presidential Board and the University Council of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover regarding comments made by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg in the context of the corona crisis

Joint statement by the Senate, the Presidential Board and the University Council of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover regarding comments made by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg in the context of the corona crisis

Welfenschloss Welfenschloss Welfenschloss
© Daniel Vogl/LUH

In his capacity as university professor and in a public context, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg recently commented on the current corona crisis, in particular with regard to measures implemented by the federal and state governments. He caused considerable controversy by comparing the current situation in the Federal Republic of Germany with events that took place in the German Reich in 1933. In light of this, the Senate, the Presidential Board and the University Council of Leibniz University Hannover have issued the following statement:

The Senate, the Presidential Board and the University Council of Leibniz University Hannover respect the fundamental right to freedom of speech and academic freedom defined in the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany. For this reason, taking legal action against statements and activities of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg is currently not possible. However, they seek to dissociate themselves from these statements, including any comparisons drawn between the current situation and events that took place in 1933. Among other things, 1933 was shaped by the NSDAP's seizure of power with a torchlight procession through the Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag fire, the first concentration camp opened in Dachau, book burnings as well as the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service. This law had disastrous consequences for many colleagues at German universities - mostly due to their Jewish origin - destroying their livelihoods and causing considerable harm to them as well as their families. The Senate, the Presidential Board and the University Council of Leibniz University Hannover consider any public statements that compare these actions with this year's situation in the Federal Republic of Germany an intolerable trivialisation of the events that took place in 1933.

The Senate, the Presidential Board and the University Council of Leibniz University Hannover safeguard academic freedom. They believe that this freedom is at risk if academic opinions and political activities are combined.

Hannover, 23 May 2020

On behalf of the Senate of Leibniz University Hannover:

Prof. Dr. Holger Butenschön Dr. Hartmut Lehne
Senate spokesperson Senate spokesperson

On behalf of the Presidential Board of Leibniz University Hannover:

Prof. Dr. Volker Epping

On behalf of the University Council of Leibniz University Hannover:

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mlynek