Travel and Accommodation
How can I find and book a hotel?
If you want to check your hotel options, please have a look here: -
How much is my allowance and how do I get the money?
Selected participants will be provided with an allowance for travel and accommodation which will be paid after participation in the Humboldt meets Leibniz symposium via bank transfer. The amount provided will vary depending on the country of origin:
- € 350 for participants travelling within Germany (from outside the Hannover region)
- € 750 for participants travelling from Algeria, Denmark, Georgia, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, UK
- € 1500 for participants travelling from China, Ethiopia, India, Sudan, USA
- € 2000 for participants travelling from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Indonesia, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria
The allowance is set as a lump sum and is thereby independent of your expenses. The participation fee and on-site costs related to the conference (e.g. catering at the conference and tickets for public transport) are covered by the scholarship and are not deducted from the travel allowance.
Do I need travel receipts for reimbursement? Is travel insurance recommended?
Due to unforeseeable developments, your travel plans may change at short notice. We therefore recommend that you keep all travel documents and ensure that you have sufficient travel and health insurance for your stay.
Allowances for travel and accommodation expenses will only be paid once you have participated in the event.
What do I have to do to get a VISA?
We offer personalised invitations to all persons entering from countries for which Germany requires a visa. The relevant conditions (documents, proof, deadlines, etc.) for applying for a visa should be obtained from the local embassy or consulate.
Please contact the embassy or the consulate well ahead of time.
Please be aware that the required documents must always be submitted in full. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
If you need a letter of invitation or have difficulties with the visa application, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Can my family accompany me?
It is possible but please be aware that family members cannot take part in the conference and that you will need to cover the costs for their travel personally.
Conference and onsite
When will I know if my abstract has been selected for a presentation? What are the formal requirements for length, content and format of the presentation?
Due to the great interest in the presentations, a selection and thematic clustering will be made on the basis of the abstracts. We will inform you by the beginning of June whether your contribution has been chosen as a talk or poster and give you detailed information on the length, content and format.
Do I have to bring my poster with me? What format should the poster have?
Poster dimensions should correspond to portrait DIN A0 format (vertical display). We offer you the option to have your poster printed and displayed at the conference site as a free service. Please send us your poster with an adequate resolution (300 DPI is the suggested minimum resolution for high resolution) as a PDF file by 20 August 2024.
Profile and Information
How can I change the information in my profile?
You received a link to your profile in the mail confirming your participation. If you can't find the information, please contact us.
How can I stay informed about the latest news on Humboldt meets Leibniz and get in touch with other participants prior to the event?
If you would like to get in touch with us prior to the event or if you are curious about other selected participants, you are very welcome to join our HmL LinkedIn profile.
30167 Hannover