
The Senate elects a Commission for Equal Opportunities which is composed of four representatives each for the group of professors, for students, for research staff, and for the technical and administrative staff. The commission is elected for a term of two years. The student representatives are elected for a term of one year. Each group also names deputies, who attend the meetings as substitutes where necessary.

Equal Opportunities Commission


Prof. Dr. Julia Gillen


Representatives for professors

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Debener
Prof. Dr. phil. Sandra Günter
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Annika Raatz
Prof. Dr. Sascha Schanze

Deputy Representatives for Professors

Prof. Dr. Hermann Butzer
Prof. Dr. Axel Haunschild
Prof. Dr. habil. Ulrike Lüdtke

Student Representatives

Cleo Dix
Rebecca Hausig
Neo Linderkamp
Franciska Renate Petsch

Deputy Student Representatives

Daryoush Danaii
Jula Malin Kuscha
Kristina Josefa Thieme

Representatives for Research Staff

Rebecca Berthold, M. Sc.
Dr.-Ing. Nadja Oneschkow
Dr. Dörte Solle

Deputy Representatives for Research Staff

M. Ed./ M. Sc. Senta Lange
Sören Jannik Traulsen
M.Sc. Anne-Kathrin Wenske

Representatives for Technical and Administrative Staff

Dr. Nadja Bieletzki
Florian Groß, M.A.

Deputy Representatives for Technical and Administrative Staff

Julia Molkenthin, M.A.

Equal Opportunities Officer

Sarah Peters