In 2011, the Senate of Leibniz University Hannover established a work group tasked with conducting an in-depth review of activities during the Nazi period at the former Technische Hochschule Hannover between 1933 and 1945, as well as between 1945 and 1978. Leibniz University Hannover intends to resolve the darkest chapter of its history during the years of the Nazi dictatorship, as well as the activities of officials formerly involved in the Nazi regime who were employed at TH/TU Hannover after 1945.
Online book launch
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Online book launch with Dr. Michael Jung (in German)
Video of the live stream on 18 November 2020, 7:00 pm
Video interviews
To mark the publication of a book about officials formerly involved in the Nazi regime who were employed by TH/TU Hannover after 1945, the people involved in the project look back on the review process at Leibniz University Hannover since 2011.
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Dr. Michael Jung: A new era, a new spirit?
Interview on the occasion of the book's publication in 2020
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Questions for Prof. Dr. Volker Epping
President of Leibniz University Hannover and initiator of the review focusing on the Nazi period
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Interviews with members of the Senate work group focusing on the awarding and revocation of titles during the Nazi regime
Review of the Nazi period at Leibniz University Hannover: 2011–present
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Prof. em. Dr. Wolfang Benz (Center for Research on Antisemitism, TU Berlin)
Scientific reviewer (methodology) of research conducted between 2016 and 2020
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Prof. em. Dr. Hans Peter Bull (Faculty of Law, Universität Hamburg)
Scientific reviewer (personal rights) of research conducted between 2016 and 2020
The Senate work group

Contact information
Head of Communications and Marketing / Spokesperson for LUH
30167 Hannover