General information on ERA-NETs by the BMBF (in German only)
General information on ERA-NETs on the ERA-Learn 2020 platform
ERA-NETs in the fields of bioeconomy and biotechnology (in German only)
ERA-NETs in the field of health care (in German only)
ERA-Nets in the field of digital and industrial technologies (in German only)
Objectives at a Glance
Thematically focused ERA-NETs are designed to coordinate national funding programmes and synchronise funding lines, thus promoting transnational collaborations.
ERA-NETs usually publish project calls on their website. Most calls only remain open briefly. We therefore advise you to check for new calls in relevant ERA-NETs on a regular basis.

What do I have to bear in mind regarding the proposal?
Each ERA-NET has specific funding formalities. We therefore advise you to assess ERA-NET calls thoroughly. National funding formalities can be found in the call documents (“Guide for Applicants”). The guide lists information such as reimbursement procedures or funding rules, as well as limits for the project budget and the duration of the project.
Please note that not every institution is automatically entitled to apply and not every institution is equally eligible for funding.
We therefore advise you to check which organisations (in which constellation) are allowed to join the ERA-NET in country A, B, C, ... and Z.
Proposal Procedure
Despite focusing on a single field of research, ERA-NET calls do not specify a particular research topic. Furthermore, ERA-NET calls provide the opportunity to implement transnational collaborations with relatively small consortia (3-5 partners). To a certain degree, the specific proposal process limits the number of proposals submitted for each call, which can be a positive side effect.
In addition to submitting a joint proposal via the call website of the ERA-NET, applicants are often required to submit a proposal to the national project management agencies/funding bodies, such as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), or the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).
Member states
Since ERA-NETs are a voluntary association of national funding bodies, every country decides if and how it chooses to participate in an ERA-NET.
When reviewing an ERA-NET call, we advise you to check at an early stage whether Germany or the countries of your cooperation partners are involved in the ERA-NET and in the current call.
Please click on the following link to search for open calls with German participation. For this, select “Germany” from the drop-down list “Country Participating”.
Contact person
Sebastian Kahlfuß
Brühlstraße 27
30169 Hannover
30169 Hannover