Emmy Noether Programme


The Emmy Noether Programme from the DFG (German Research Foundation) gives highly qualified early-career researchers the opportunity to lead an independent junior research group at a university or research institution in Germany. In addition, this programme aims to attract outstanding postdoctoral researchers who are currently working abroad back to Germany. Here you will find an overview of the current Emmy Noether Groups at Leibniz University Hannover and those completed in the last five years.

Emmy Noether groups at Leibniz University Hannover

The Reproduction of Religion in Secular Societies (RelSec)
Philosophical Faculty
Funded since 2024
Contact: Dr. phil. Carmen Becker, Institute for the Study of Religion, Appelstraße 11a, 30167 Hannover

Probing the primordial universe with Gravitational waves 
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Funded since 2022
Contact: Dr. Guillem Domenech, Institute of Theoretical Physics,  Appelstraße 2 , 30167 Hannover

Hollywood Memories: Cinematic Remaking and the Construction of Global Movie Generations 
Faculty of Humanities
Funded since 2020
Contact: Prof. Dr. Kathleen Loock, English Department,  Königsworther Platz 1 , 30167 Hannover

Investigation and prediction of spectroscopic signatures of biomolecular systems using adaptive quantum chemical methods
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Funded since 2019 (Transfer to LUH on 01.10.2020)
Contact: Prof. Dr. Carolin König, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Callinstraße 3A, 30167 Hannover

Limonoids and Quassinoids - Understanding and Manipulating Biosynthesis and Transport of Complex Triterpenes in Plants
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Funded since 2019
Contact: Prof. Dr.  Jakob Franke ,  Institut of Botany,  Herrenhäuser Straße 2, 30419 Hannover

Development of integrated continuous flow systems for transient transfection, cultivation and monitoring of mammalian cells
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Funded since 2017 (Transfer to University Augsburg in 2022)
Contact: Dr. Janina Bahnemann, Institute of Technical Chemistry,
Callinstr. 5, 30167 Hannover

More than meets the eye: Integration, influences and impairments of direct gaze processing
Faculty of Humanities
Funded since 2017 (Transfer to LUH on 01.04.2020, Transfer to Julius-Maximilian University Würzburg on 01.10.2021)
Contact: Prof. Dr. Anne Böckler-Raettig, Institute of psychology, Röntgenring 11, 97070 Würzburg

An integrative design-through-analysis paradigm for higher-order computational aerodynamics and aeroelasticity
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science
Funded since 2017 (Transfer to LUH on 01.01.2019, Transfer to TU Darmstadt on 01.10.2021)
Contact: Prof. Dr.  Dominik Schillinger, Numerical Mechanics, Franziska-Braun-Straße 3, 64287 Darmstadt

Completed Emmy Noether groups

Continuum Robots for Surgical Systems (CROSS)
Faculty of  Mechanical Engineering
Funded from 2013 bis 2019
Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jessica Burgner-Kahrs, Department of Mathematical & Computational Sciences, University of Toronto at Mississauga, 3359 Mississauga Road, Canada


Dr. Maria Leuteritz
Brühlstraße 27
30169 Hannover
Brühlstraße 27
30169 Hannover