Leibniz Young Investigator Grants

The aim of the funding line is the promotion of the careers of excellent postdocs. LUH supports them in acquiring their own research project and in gaining research and leadership experience in an excellent environment.

Another aim of the funding line is the support of the research of the existing clusters of excellence and excellence cluster initiatives at Leibniz University. Therefore, projects should preferably relate to the existing clusters (Hearing4All, QuantumFrontiers, PhoenixD and SE²A) or the cluster initiatives in the emerging research areas of knowledge graphs, science ethics and implant research. In addition, submissions in other thematically interesting topics are also possible.

© Lindsay Henwood (Unsplash)

The call 2023 is closed.

For 2024, no call for proposals is planned.

The call for Leibniz Young Investigator Grants aims firstly at postdocs at LUH (up to four years after their doctorate) who wish to advance their research, for example with the support of a doctoral position (funding line A - local). Secondly, the call aims at international postdocs (up to four years after their doctorate) for whom the grant provides the opportunity to come to LUH (funding line B - global).

Funding line A - local

Only postdoctoral researchers of Leibniz University Hannover up to four years after their doctorate are eligible to apply for funding. They must be employed by the university at the time of application and for the duration of the project with an amount of at least 50% FTE (E 13) - scholarship holders at LUH are on an equal status with this group. The applicant's own position can neither be funded nor increased. The call for research projects is open to all subjects and faculty member of Leibniz University Hannover.

Funding line B - global

Internationale postdocs are eligible, who may not have lived or worked in Germany for more than 12 months in the 36 months prior to the submission deadline. Application must occur within four years of completion of the doctoral degree.


Dr. Maria Leuteritz
Brühlstraße 27
30169 Hannover
Brühlstraße 27
30169 Hannover