Study Buddy Programme
Information for local students (2nd or higher semester)
Discover new perspectives and meet students from all over the world
The Study Buddy Programme promotes intercultural exchange between international and local students. Its aim is to facilitate the international student's entry into student life with your help.
To this end, the International Office would like to provide every international student with an experienced student before they start their studies at LUH.
- Are you interested in international exchange?
- Would you like to acquire intercultural competence and possibly improve your language skills?
- You would like to support a small group of two or three international students on their arrival in Hanover?
- Then get involved as a "local" Buddy!
Aims and objectives of the programme:
- enabling intercultural exchange
- make it easier for students to arrive in Hanover and at LUH
- undertaking joint activities
- be a contact person for your buddy and help with questions
Information Events Study Buddy
In order to prepare you as well as possible for your activity as a local buddy, an information event will take place in advance in room 009 at the international office and will last approx. 2h. The attendance at one information event is obligatory for the participation in the program. Only then; you will receive the contact details of the international students you will be supervising. You can choose between the following dates:
Wednesday, the 12th of February at 3pm
Thursday, the 6th of March at 3pm
Thursday, the 13th of March at 3pm
Friday, the 14th of March at 10am
Tuesday, the 18th of March at 3pm (English)
Thursday, the 27th of March at 10am (English)
- Registration using the form on this website
- Attend one information event
- Allocation of the buddy groups
- Contact via e-mail by the local Buddies
- If possible: Pick up your buddies from the station, escort them to their apartment
- First meetings of the buddy group
- Undertaking joint activities
- End of January: Fill in the evaluation
- If desired request a certificate of participation
Please contact the Study Buddy Team, if you have any questions regarding the programme
Who can participate?
The programme is open to students of all disciplines interested in voluntary work and exchange with people from other countries and cultures. You should at least be in your second semester.
When should I register?
As soon as possible. For the summer semester you can register from January until the beginning of April and for the winter semester from the September until the beginning of October. Matching does not occur based on when you register, but rather on your availability.
When will the international students arrive in Hanover?
The arrival of international students varies greatly, thus cannot be anticipated with certainty. Most students arrive in Hanover in September and October for the winter semester or in March and April for the summer semester. Some students arrive earlier to participate in language course or similar.
Depending on when the international students register, it is possible that you will get matched up as late as April/October.
When will Study Buddies be allocated?
Study Buddies will be allocated in August for the winter semester and in February for the summer semester. The exact date will depend on when the international students arrive as well as your availability. You need to have participated in an information event before you get matched. In general, matching ends in April or October.
Will my preferences be taken into account?
Preferences with regard to languages spoken by the international buddy and their native country will be taken into account where possible. However, the number and nature of international students that register as well as your availability will determine whether such wishes can be fulfilled. Thus, fulfilment of such wishes may not always be possible or may only be partially possible.
Please keep in mind that we also want to encourage intercultural competences within the Study Buddy-Groups.
Who can I contact with any questions?
The Study Buddy Team is happy to help with any questions you may have concerning the programme and will gladly assist you in finding the relevant contact person with respect to any other questions. You can contact the Study Buddy Team via email at .
How can I meet other buddies?
The information event at the beginning of the semester is a great opportunity to meet other local buddies. Additionally, there will be a kick-off event each semester, where all local and international buddies can get to know each other.
Throughout the semester, there will also be events organised by the International Office, where local and international students will have many opportunities to meet.
Additionally, there are so called Get-Togethers or Meet-Ups where all international and local Study Buddies can get together.
Information events
Numerous information events will take place at the beginning of the semester (March/April and September/October). They will comprise an informative component, a short workshop on intercultural communication and a get-together where local buddies can get to know each other. The information events are identical in terms of content and you therefore only need attend once. Attendance is compulsory in order to receive a certificate at the end of the semester.
Certificate of Participation
Certificate of Participation
If you require a certification of your voluntary work (e.g. for BIKO), certain requirements must be met.
- you must attend one of the information events (information component, workshop and get-together)
You only need to attend once during the course of your studies - At the end of the semester in which you participated, you should also complete an evaluation form (see website). You need to complete this evaluation form every time you are requesting the certificate.
In order to receive a certificate for participating in the programme, you must request this via the website – it will not be issued automatically.
- you must attend one of the information events (information component, workshop and get-together)
30167 Hannover