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Frei gebliebene Studienplätze dieses Studiengangs werden kurz vor dem Vorlesungsbeginn über das Losverfahren vergeben.
Part-time study is optional (not in the 3rd or 4th semester).
German HZB: none
International application: German B2
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Stay abroad possible, but not obligatory.
Students on the Master’s degree programme in Meteorology gain the skills required to conduct research and to apply theory to practice. Students are trained to conduct research in the observation, analysis and modelling of meteorological and climatological connections, as well as to work in the increasingly industrial and commercial job market of weather forecasting and briefing, the power industry, the insurance industry, aviation and aerospace, and environmental and climate protection.
The Master’s degree programme in Meteorology comprises a specialisation stage and a research stage.
At the specialisation stage, students acquire specialist meteorological knowledge in the overview module Advanced Meteorology, which initially builds on the foundations laid at the Bachelor’s stage. This knowledge is then expanded on in the areas of modern measurement methods and applied meteorology, in line with the student’s choice of courses. During the first academic year, students also take a module on research and professional orientation as well as a compulsory elective subject.
The research stage is mainly spent writing a Master’s thesis. Topics relevant to current research are tackled in the thesis. It makes sense to prepare the content of the Master’s thesis by choosing appropriate courses at the specialisation stage.
The Master’s degree programme is supplemented by an application subject, enabling students to gain an insight into the tasks and working practices of another subject, and by courses in which they gain key transferable skills.
Successful completion of a Bachelor’s degree with a high proportion of meteorology or physics courses is recommended and relevant for admission, since only a few foundation courses can be taken subsequently at the Master’s stage. Further details about the exact provisions are given in the Admission Regulations.
Meteorologists work in research institutions, for weather services, environmental agencies, insurance companies, engineering firms and consultancies; they also find employment with software companies, in the power industry, the automotive industry, aviation and in management consultancy. Besides the traditional tasks of weather forecasting and basic research, meteorologists also produce yield forecasts for wind farms, investigate air turbulence caused by aircraft, simulate pollutant dispersion in cities, and undertake risk assessment for insurance companies.
An undergraduate degree in a related field of study, such as
For master's degree programmes with unrestricted admission, all applicants who fulfil the admission requirements will be admitted a university place. The exact admission requirements can be found in the admission regulations:
First-year students from Germany and the EU
First-year students from non-EU countries
Students resuming their studies and transfer students from Germany and the EU (application in a higher semester)
Students resuming their studies and transfer students from non-EU countries (application in a higher semester)
Keinen Studienplatz erhalten?
Frei gebliebene Studienplätze dieses Studiengangs werden kurz vor dem Vorlesungsbeginn über das Losverfahren vergeben.