Economics and Management
(Bachelor of Science)

You can see many terms associated with the economy, such as stocks, the financial market or the stock exchange. © Eisenhans, Fotolia
© Eisenhans, Fotolia


Course type
Undergraduate studies (1 Subject bachelor)
Standard Course Duration
6 semesters
Course Start
Winter semester
Language of Instruction
Language Requirements

German HZB: none
International application: German C1
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Restricted admission

Stay abroad possible, but not obligatory.

Short Description

The work of an economist is extremely varied. Economists deal with the microeconomic and macroeconomic challenges facing businesses, public administration and organisations.

They are involved in activities such as public finance, management and organisation, human resource management, information and operations management, marketing and controlling. Due to wide-ranging interplay, environmental, psychological, political, legal and technological perspectives are also taken into account. Owing to such variety, economics and management opens up exceptionally differentiated and exciting research and employment prospects.

Students receive a theory-based, academic education, enabling them to embark on practical work in the professional world immediately after graduation. For this reason, the theory-based, academic education has a strong practical emphasis.

After completing the Bachelor’s degree after six semesters, graduates are capable of analysing and linking complex economic interrelations.

Course Content

  • In a bid to overcome the traditional division between business administration and economics, which is often criticised, the Faculty of Economics and Management at Leibniz Universität Hannover offers a Bachelor’s degree programme in economics and management that integrates both microeconomic and macroeconomic perspectives. For this reason, the areas of specialisation in the fifth and sixth semesters of the Bachelor’s degree programme are business administration and economics.
Course Structure

Students gain a thorough grounding during the first four semesters. Modules include Management, Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Law and Empirical Economics. Building on this, students can choose modules from other subjects related to business administration and economics in the fifth and sixth semesters to suit their individual interests. A mobility window for a semester abroad, involving a set amount of credit points, is set aside for the fifth semester. Students also have the opportunity to incorporate courses from other areas by taking modules from the Studium Generale. In the sixth semester, two months are devoted to writing the Bachelor’s thesis, which concludes the programme.

Semester Betriebswirtschaftslehre Volkswirtschaftslehre Mathematik, Statistik, Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung Rechtswissenschaft Schlüsselkompetenz / Studium Generale

BWL I (6 LP)

  • Einführung in die BWL
  • Unternehmensführung und -gründung

VWL I (6 LP)

  • Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre


  • Mathematik 1 (8 LP)


  • Beschreibende Statistik (6 LP)


  • Öffentliches Recht (4 LP)


  • Marketing
  • Personal


  • Mikroökonomische Theorie


  • Mathematik 2 (4 LP)


  • Schließende Statistik (6 LP)


  • Privatrecht (4 LP)
3 BWL III (8 LP)
  • Investition und Finanzierung
  • Kapitalmarkttheorie


  • Makroökonomische Theorie


  • Geld, Währung und Finanzmärkte
  • Economics of Development and Environment

Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung (8 LP)

  • Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung

BWL IV (12 LP)

  • Externe Unternehmensrechnung
  • Interne Unternehmensrechnung
  • Unternehmensbesteuerung

BWL V (8 LP)

  • Operations Management
  • Informations Management

VWL V (8 LP)

  • Öffentliche Finanzen
  • Arbeitsökonomik
5 und 6

Kompetenzbereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre (20 LP)

  • 3 Wahlmodule à 5 LP
  • 1 Seminar à 5 LP

Kompetenzbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre (20 LP)

  • 3 Wahlmodule à 5 LP
  • 1 Seminar à 5 LP

Schlüsselkompetenz / Studium Generale (10 LP)

  • Wahlmodule

Bachelorarbeit (10 LP)

Recommended Abilities

Prospective students should have a head for figures, and should be able to analyse and combine information. Since business processes are shaped by people, students also require good social and communication skills. Due to the ever-increasing internationalisation of research and practice, foreign language skills are important but not essential.

Career Opportunities

The Economics and Management programme is the foundation for all kinds of careers in management, whether in industrial or commercial enterprises, with banks or insurance companies, in tax consultancy or auditing. The degree also qualifies graduates for employment in state administrations, associations, media enterprises and international organisations. Graduates have an extensive overview of the fundamental processes and methods of thought in economics and management, and are capable of applying these, without assistance, to practical situations.

Admission requirements and application

Admission Requirements

The exact admission requirements can be found in the admission regulations: 

Application Deadlines

1 June – 15 July of the year for the winter semester

  • First-year students (application for the 1st semester) can only apply for the winter semester.
  • Students resuming their studies and transfer students (application for a higher semester) can also apply for the summer semester (1 December - 15 January).
  • Requirements for applications from non-EU countries:
    • VPD from uni-assist OR a passed assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung) of a preparatory foundation course (Studienkolleg)
    • Applications for the Studienkolleg must be submitted by 15 July.

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Leibniz UNInsights – The student podcast

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Economics and Management (B.Sc.) - Lara & Tim talk about their studies

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Zentrale Studienberatung
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
Zentrale Studienberatung
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover