Head of department

30167 Hannover

Course and Room Allocation Management (LRM)
The LRM team works on the Campus Management with SAP (CMSAP) project at Leibniz University. As part of the project, Ms. Kirsten Niederlein from the LRM team leads the course and room allocation management subproject. In the subproject, the requirements for the new software for course planning and room allocation management are formulated and the implementation of the requirements is coordinated with the external project partner.
Tests of the new software are designed, carried out and evaluated, and the necessary changes to the implemented software solutions are coordinated. Both requirements and tests must always be checked across subprojects for possible interactions. The LRM team supports the subproject management with the subproject tasks. From the introduction phase for the new software, the team will take over the training of users in the faculties and facilities and will also provide support for users.
Facility and Person Directory (EPV)
Leibniz University Hannover maintains its facility and person directory (EPV) using the IT programme SAP and a web application developed specifically for LUH. The personal data on the LUH website and the faculty and institute websites is obtained from the EPV. In addition, the EPV data is made available to various other IT systems. This is how, for example, LUH's identity management and research information system work with data from the EPV.
The EPV team's area of responsibility includes first- and second-level support for users of the application in the faculties as well as in the central and decentralised facilities. The team members take on key user function and application support for the EPV and maintain the instructions and FAQs for the EPV. They conduct training for users as part of university continuing education and organise regular exchanges on user experience with the users and support managers of the connected IT systems.
LSF Support
Course planning at Leibniz University Hannover and the publication of the course catalogue are currently carried out using the IT programme HIS-LSF. LSF Support is responsible for first- and second-level support for HIS-LSF users in the faculties as well as in the central and decentralised institutions. The LSF Support employees take on the admin function for HIS-LSF and maintain key files and the instructions for HIS-LSF. They carry out training for users as part of university continuing education.