Leibniz University Hannover Publication Guidelines

Academic publications are key indicators in the university's performance spectrum: they are used to assess the performance of both the authors and the associated institution. Institutional performance comparisons (e.g. international university rankings) are often based on publication data. It is in the interest of the authors and the university that publications and citations are clearly attributed.

© Joanna Kosinska | unsplash.com

How the policy is applied

These publication guidelines are binding for all research staff and non-academic employees of Leibniz University Hannover, as well as for doctoral candidates and students. They also apply to all visiting researchers who carry out research and publish during a stay at Leibniz University Hannover. In those cases where publications have a direct connection to Leibniz University Hannover, the guidelines also apply to adjunct professors.

Clear designation of affiliation

"Leibniz University Hannover" should be specified as the top-level institutional affiliation in every publication. Authors should list Leibniz University Hannover first, while also taking into account the rules of the publisher. In addition to Leibniz University Hannover, authors may also indicate their specific institutional affiliation (e.g. faculty, institute, subject area, cluster of excellence, etc.). The listing of collaborative affiliations takes place separately from the listing of the institute.

Name of the university

When using the name in English, the following official designation should be used in all publications:

Leibniz University Hannover


Name Surname, Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Technical Chemistry, Callinstraße 5, 30167 Hannover, Germany

Please note

  • Multiple institutional affiliations

    If there is more than one institutional affiliation – e.g. due to joint appointments or cross-institutional doctoral programmes – all corresponding institutions must be listed as affiliations. If Leibniz University Hannover is the primary affiliation, it should be listed first. If the research work was primarily carried out at one of the other institutions, the order can be adjusted.

    In the event of a change of institution during the research and publication process, the institution at which the research was primarily conducted must always be indicated. If relevant parts of the research were carried out at both institutions, both institutions must be listed. This information also applies to visiting researchers at Leibniz University Hannover.

    More information is available on the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) website:  "Recommendation on guidelines for stating affiliations in publications".

    Example 1:

    Name Surname ¹²

    ¹ Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Gravitational Physics, Callinstraße 38, 30167 Hannover, Germany

    ² Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Callinstraße 38, 30167 Hannover, Germany


    Example 2:

    Name Surname ¹²

    ¹ Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Callinstraße 38, 30167 Hannover, Germany

    ² Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Gravitational Physics, Callinstraße 38, 30167 Hannover, Germany

  • Academic identification management

    Unambiguous author identification

    It is strongly recommended that all academic authors at Leibniz University Hannover register with ORCID and create an individual profile. The individual Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID-iD) facilitates the system-independent and unique identification of the person and the link to their publications, research data and other research-process results. Many other author profiles allow synchronisation with the ORCID profile.

    Maintenance of other author profiles

    Well-maintained author profiles in databases such as Scopus, Web of Science/Publons and Google Scholar support the correct calculation of personal bibliometric indicators. Importing publication metadata into the Research Information System (FIS) is also made significantly easier by well-maintained author profiles.

  • Information about research funding

    Third-party funding bodies such as the DFG and the European Commission usually require that their funding be mentioned (Funding Acknowledgement) in publications. It is essential to comply with this requirement. DFG funding to support open-access publications is conditional upon a comprehensible link between the publication and the project. The Funding Acknowledgement makes this link evident. The link between publication and project can also be indicated through the FIS.

    See the FIS guidelines on linking publications and projects.

  • Contributions to the university bibliography

    Leibniz University Hannover uses the Research Information System (FIS) as a central record of its publications and as a university bibliography. The purpose of the LUH university bibliography is to list all of the publications by LUH researchers, for both internal and external audiences. The bibliography serves as a data source for reports, evaluations and bibliometric analyses and constitutes the basis for open-access monitoring. The goal is the complete, transparent and quality-assured recording of publications generated with the participation of LUH researchers. With this in mind, all LUH academics should enter their publications in the FIS promptly and completely (see A-Rundschreiben Nr. 50/2020, in German only). Support for researchers is available at support@fis.uni-hannover.de and in the staff portal.

Download and further Information

The Publication Guidelines are complemented by the currently valid versions of the Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice, the Open Access Policy and the Guidelines for Handling Research Data. Here you will find, among other things, information on the topics of authorship and the choice of publication outlet.


Pantea Czaja
Brühlstraße 27
30169 Hannover
Brühlstraße 27
30169 Hannover