Third Mission

In addition to research and teaching, Leibniz University Hannover is also committed to the so-called “Third Mission”. This term outlines the various activities of Leibniz University Hannover concerning knowledge and technology transfer, further education and social commitment.


Leibniz University Hannover considers it increasingly important to approach non-academic partners in order to advance the science-based development of society and to better meet the increased expectations of politics and society with regard to the achievements of the science system.


At Leibniz University Hannover, further education is a major priority – whether job-related or regarding general education. Among other things, the university offers programmes for post-graduate, complementary and part-time studies.


Our motto “The spirit of Leibniz!” emphasises the open-mindedness of our namesake. We encourage participation in scientific life through many different offers. Since we can only contribute to sustainable, peaceful and responsible solutions to key future issues as part of a global community.

Knowledge development

From knowledge to innovation: networks, events and further structures ensure that application-oriented knowledge generated at Leibniz University Hannover is made available to the society and economy. Examples of this include:

Arrangement of internships

Theses in companies

Knowledge and technology transfer

Mediator between science and business

Start-Up Support

ERDF projects approved

Knowledge transfer

At Leibniz University Hannover, different structures and formats connect and share knowledge with non-academic target groups.
Here are few examples:

Die Nacht, die Wissen schafft

Kinder Uni Hannover

Leibniz Campus Lecture

Offene Hochschule


Marketing knowledge

Commissioned research and the marketing of patents and licenses enable the knowledge generated to be used in economy.

Patents and Licenses

Job-related training

Annually, more than 6 000 people participate in the various offers available. For example, programmes for small and medium-sized companies or numerous scientific conferences and seminars. Links to our activities can be found her:

Continuing Education

ZQS/Key Competencies

Academic further education

Among other things, the university offers programmes for post-graduate, complementary and part-time studies. For example:

Fernstudium Wasser und Umwelt

Weiterbildungsstudium Arbeitswissenschaften

Civil commitment

Our commitment contributes to ensuring and strengthening the community’s solidarity. We are committed to the common good and act responsibly in public space.


Freiwilliges wissenschaftliches Jahr

Refugees at Leibniz University Hannover

Widening Participation

Leibniz University Hannover not only endeavours to increase the number of young people that enter higher education, but also the proportion of under-represented groups.

Studieren ohne Abitur

Family Services

Studieren mit Handicap

Gasthörenden- und Seniorenstudium


Kinder Uni Hannover (KUH)

School Portal