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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover

Financial matters
Lower Saxony state office for payments and pensions (NLBV)
The Lower Saxony state office for payments and pensions (NLBV) is responsible for determining and paying the salaries of all university staff members.
In addition, the NLBV determines and pays the pensions of all former civil servants from the university, as well as allowances in the event of illness, caregiving responsibilities, birth or death.
Pension Institution of the Federal and State Governments (VBL)
The VBL (Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder) provides old-age pensions, limited incapacity benefits and surviving dependent pensions for public service employees as part of the compulsory insurance determined in collective bargaining agreements, as well as voluntary insurance for supplementary fully-funded pensions.
Healthcare and family matters
We spend a large part of our daily lives at work. It is therefore important to take care of your health not only after work, but also during your working day.
Gesund @ Work
Preventative occupational healthcare
Your new workplace may involve a variety of duties – for example, duties involving hazardous substances (e.g. methanol); duties involving biological agents; duties involving physical exposure (e.g. noise); and/or other duties such as VDU work, wearing respiratory equipment, or periods abroad involving challenging climate conditions and the risk of infection.
The university offers preventative occupational healthcare services. This includes medical consultations to record medical/occupational history as well as medical examinations where these are necessary to providing information or guidance and on the condition that the patient does not object. The employer will not be notified of the outcome of the check-up. Doctors are obligated to maintain medical confidentiality.
Preventative occupational healthcare services are provided free of charge and usually take place during working hours at the office of the occupational health officers.
Occupational health officers
Wilhelm-Busch-Str. 22
Occupational health officers
Newly appointed professors
Professors shape the research and teaching at Leibniz University Hannover. This is accomplished through demonstrated scientific expertise, good human resource leadership, efficient management and carefully considered strategic decisions.
Your new position may involve new responsibilities and roles. To help you get started, Leibniz University Hannover offers various services for newly appointed professors. Find out about the wide range of options available before you start at LUH.
Research and teaching
More than 300 professors and over 2,600 research staff members work in 208 institutes on questions related to the natural sciences, engineering, the humanities and the social sciences, as well as interdisciplinary fields, in order to create the foundations for overcoming societal challenges.
Leadership and development
Leibniz University Hannover has established guidelines for leadership and cooperation based on partnership in order to promote a leadership culture guided by a mutual sense of responsibility with regard to cooperation between members of staff and those in leadership positions.