
LUH offers various opportunities to complete internships abroad. Discover the world, experience new cultures and gain valuable work experience. Here you will find all the information you need about applications, funding opportunities and experience reports. Start your international adventure with us - we'll support you along the way! Are you ready for your next chapter?
International and multiple degrees
Internationalisation plays a major role at Leibniz University Hannover. This is also reflected in the degree programmes offered by Leibniz University Hannover. There are also an increasing number of study options that enable students to obtain degrees in cooperation with international universities, e.g. in the form of double or triple degrees and joint degrees.


Freemovers are students who apply to a foreign university as guest students independently of the partnership programmes offered by their home university. Freemovers usually organise and finance their study place themselves. The regional coordinators of the International Office are happy to support you in this endeavour.
Summer Schools
Leibniz University organises Summer Schools every year together with partner institutions. Generally, each partner institution offers a Summer School, some offering reduced fees for Leibniz Universität students, depending on the region. If you are interested in a summer school, please contact the respective regional coordination for more detailed information. In addition to the partner universities, the DAAD also offers summer schools and language courses.

Going abroad for doctoral candidates and researchers

Doctoral candidates and researchers at Leibniz University also have the opportunity to go abroad. International experience is essential for expanding academic networks and developing innovative research ideas. On the following websites, doctoral candidates and researchers at Leibniz University Hannover can find information on funding opportunities, partner universities and exchange programmes. Discover the many opportunities that a research excursion into the wider world offers you.