Research Cooperations with Non-University Research Facilities

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Leibniz University Hannover is continually expanding its strategic cooperation agreements with nationally and internationally leading non-university research institutions. Selected institutions with which Leibniz University Hannover maintains close research cooperation agreements, especially in the form of bridge professorships, are listed here:

Cooperation agreements with the Max Planck Society

Together with the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Leibniz University Hannover runs the gravitational wave detector GEO600 and the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Gravitational Wave Astronomy. The Hannover Institute of Technology (HITec) currently under construction at Leibniz University Hannover will provide a further cross-thematic research infrastructure to be used jointly by researchers from the university and the Max Planck Institute.

Cooperation agreements with the Helmholtz Association

The Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI)

In the area of biomedical research, Leibniz University Hannover cooperates particularly closely with the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI), via the university’s Centre of Biomolecular Drug Research (BMWZ), among other facilities, and various cooperation projects between individual institutes and HZI.

Helmholtz Munich

In the area of medicinal chemistry and drug research, Leibniz University Hannover also cooperates with Helmholtz Munich on research, education and teaching.

Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences

Leibniz University Hannover and GFZ (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences) have established joint research and teaching activities in Geodesy and Earth Sciences, such as the joint appointment of Professor Mahdi Motagh in the field of radar remote sensing.

Helmholtz Center for Information Security (CISPA)

The CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Saarbrücken will conduct research on cybersecurity and data protection in cooperation with Leibniz University Hannover. A subsidiary CISPA facility focusing on usable security and privacy as well as industrial security is currently being established in Hannover.

Cooperation agreements with the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft

Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM)

Leibniz University Hannover and the Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM) collaborate in the field of biomedical research in particular. Within the Translation Alliance in Lower Saxony (TRAIN), they and other university and non-university research institutions focus their expertise and infrastructures to speed up the process of transferring potential active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and vaccines from the laboratory to the patient.

Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES)

Joint activities in wind energy research characterise the collaboration between Leibniz University Hannover and the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES). As part of the cooperation agreement between both institutions, the Test Centre for Support Structures was set up at Leibniz University Hannover. Both organisations also cooperate within ForWind, the joint Centre for Wind Energy Research of the universities of Hannover, Oldenburg and Bremen, and in the Wind Energy research alliance.

Cooperation agreements with the Leibniz Association

Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)

The Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) ‒ Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University Library is a foundation under the civil law of the Federal State of Lower Saxony, and a member of the Leibniz Association. In its function as the university library, TIB provides specialist literature for Leibniz University Hannover, including literature for the humanities and social science subjects. It is closely connected to Leibniz University Hannover, both structurally and in terms of staffing.

Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL)

The Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL), Leibniz Forum for Spatial Sciences, is a forum and skills centre for research in the field of spatial research and development, its causes and effects, and political and planning control options. Leibniz University Hannover cooperates closely with ARL on research, teaching and the promoting of junior researchers, particularly via the TRUST research centre (Transdisciplinary Rural and Urban Spatial Transformation).

Cooperation agreements with other non-university research institutions

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)

Leibniz University Hannover has for many years been a close research cooperation partner of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt in Braunschweig. Under the auspices of the Cluster of Excellence QUEST, several DFG joint research projects and in the HITec research building, scientists from PTB and Leibniz University Hannover work at the top international level to advance developments in the area of precise metrology.

Institute for Satellite Geodesy and Inertial Sensing (DLR-SI)

With the establishment of the German Aerospace Center's Institute of Satellite Geodesy and Inertial Sensing (DLR-SI) in Hannover and its opening in 2022, synergies with Leibniz University Hannover in research in the field of quantum technologies and geodesy can be exploited in the future. The Institute of Satellite Geodesy and Inertial Sensing is primarily dedicated to research related to the use of quantum technologies and quantum sensors – for example, new methods of terrestrial or space-based earth observation, new navigation systems and planetary research.

German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)

Leibniz University Hannover has cooperated with the DZHW and its predecessor, the Institut für Hochschulforschung der HIS GmbH, since 2006. At the Leibniz Centre for Science and Society, the research activities of the participating researchers also strengthen the university’s core research area “Interdisciplinary Studies of Science” through joint positions, lectures and research projects, and a research cooperation agreement.

German Institute of Rubber Technology (DIK)

The German Institute of Rubber Technology (DIK) is an independent research institution cooperating closely with Leibniz University Hannover and with industry. DIK and Leibniz University Hannover have been closely linked for many years through research projects, and on the structural and staffing level. In cooperation with the Wirtschaftsverband der deutschen Kautschukindustrie (WDK) and Leibniz University Hannover, a continuing education and training course for studies in rubber technology has run successfully since 1985.

Cooperating institutes

In addition, cooperating institutes with links to Leibniz University Hannover complement the portfolio of application-oriented research in important areas.

Contact person

Portrait Portrait © Moritz Küstner / LUH
Dr. Johanna Schanz
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
Portrait Portrait © Moritz Küstner / LUH
Dr. Johanna Schanz
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover