Students with disabilities or chronic illnesses often encounter difficulties at university. They may experience various challenges. For example, it may be difficult to access rooms, the time allotted for completing examinations may be too short, or it may be impossible or impracticable to carry out certain steps in their academic work.
Information for students with autism
During your studies
Exemption from the Deutschlandsemesterticket
Who can be exempted?
Severely disabled students who are entitled to free transport in accordance with section 145 of the Ninth Book of the Social Code (SGB IX) and can prove that entitlement to transport in accordance with SGB IX exists for the entire semester. Exemption from the Deutschlandsemesterticket on the basis of a transport entitlement through a severely disabled person's ID card is handled by the Admissions Office.
Accessibility at LUH
Contact people
In many situations it is helpful for students to get support and advice within the university and to talk about their experiences with other students who are in a similar position.
You can find the most important contact people at the university listed below.
Students' Union (AStA) at Leibniz University Hannover
Information about funding, social issues related to studying, the Social Affairs Section and the AStA Disabilities Office.
Tuition fees for long-term students
Waiver of tuition fees for long-term students if a disability prolongs the duration of study.
Barrier-free study
General information page (in German) with tips on studying with a disability and/or illness.
Psychological Counselling for Students – ptb
Support and advice in individual sessions and group sessions for students with psychosocial problems.
Studentenwerk Hannover
Information about student funding and social issues related to studying.
Student Advisory Services
Questions about organising your studies, examination situations, funding and social problems are addressed by the representative for students with disabilities: Christiane Stolz.
Information for teaching staff
Learn about studying at Leibniz University Hannover on social media:

30167 Hannover