What, who, how, where and when?
1. First things first: documents for the current semester/LeibnizCard
From the middle of September (winter semester) or March (summer semester), depending on the date of registration, you will be sent a LeibnizCard via post. The LeibnizCard combines in one card all the essential functions that you need in everyday life at university:
- Student ID
- Library ID (TIB/HOBSY)
- CampusCard for University Sports
- Payment function Hannover Student Services (MensaCard)
- Payment function for University Sports and university services
- Electronic key for lockers (TIB, University Sports Centre)
For the validation of your electronic student card (LeibnizCard) a photo is required.
The photo must be transmitted electronically before your enrollment.- If you have applied for a restricted admission programme, you will receive the photo upload information along with your admission letter.
- If you have enrolled in an admission-free study programme, you will find the information for uploading your photo directly after completing the online application in your application for enrollment (PDF form).
First semester students will receive a pre-validated LeibnizCard (you will need to re-validate it from the second semester onwards).
Together with your LeibnizCard, you will recieve your LUH-ID and your initial password to register for the university’s online services. Please keep these documents in a safe place. For further information on online services see tip 9.
Enrolment certificate
You can then print your enrolment certificate (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung) yourself via our Online-Portal.
The semester ticket is valid from 01.10 in the winter semester and from 01.04 in the summer semester. For further information and a route plan see the AStA website (German language only).
2. Go to the preparation courses (Vorkurse) and the introductory sessions (Einführungsveranstaltungen) of your degree programme!
Preparation courses are offered by many programmes (especially in the STEM area) - but not by all. Participation in these preliminary courses is voluntary, but is strongly recommended.
Introductory events are offered by teachers and students of the faculties. All programmes have introductory events - in the so-called O-week.
In the Preparation Courses (Vorkurse) and Introductory Sessions, you will not only find out about subject-related and organisational details but also meet your fellow students. While it is of course possible to study on your own, it is much easier in a group. You are advised to set up a network as soon as possible.
International students also have the opportunity to attend specific Orientation Days.
The current preliminary and introductory courses for the winter semester (1 September) and the summer semester (1 March) can be found in the online course catalogue.
Missed your preparation courses and introductory sessions?
If you have missed your preparation courses and introductory sessions, please speak to cour course advisor for your subject to get the important information for a good start.
3. Apply for BAföG / a student loan and look for a place to live
Apply for BAföG / a student loan
As soon as you have been admitted, you can apply for student loans. Your enrolment certificate can be handed in once you receive it. The date of application for BAföG is decisive for the start of BAföG- payments. And don’t forget to submit a renewal application to Hannover Student Services three months before it expires.
Please note: BAföG is restricted to German students and recognised refugees taking up a degree programme. International students (EU and Non-EU) are unfortunately not eligible for BAföG.
If you have further questions on BAföG: The BAföG- and Social Counselling Office (German Language only) of the Hannover Student Services can provide information on financing your studies (BAföG, job seekers allowance, income support, housing benefit, student loans, scholarships, insurance, etc.).
Finding a place to live
Looking for an apartment can be frustrating, especially at the start of the winter semester. Hannover Student Services can also help you looking for accommodation (e.g. Student hostels, online accommodation exchange etc.).
In addition, we collected some useful tips to find living space in Hannover.
When you move: re-register!
If you have recently arrived in Hannover, you should register or re-register your address with the city authorities (Bürgerämter der Stadt Hannover) as soon as possible.
Students from non-EU countries please note: you must register with the immigration authority (Ausländerbehörde). This is important, also because you will be issued with a German tax number. This is also necessary if you wish to open a German bank account.
Further Information on visas and immigration procedures for international students
4. Read & save valid regulations and find out about registering for exams
For each degree programme, there are exam and internship regulations. You are recommended to download and save them on your computer, as they can change in the course of your studies. They will then be available if you have any questions later on.
Find out about registering for exams and registration deadlines
All of these documents are available at Exam information & Course Advice. You will also find the deadlines for exam registration and the contact persons for your degree programme there. Missing a deadline and thus not being able to take an exam would be most annoying and could have unpleasant consequences. It is best to find out in good time about the relevant procedures in your study programme.
Please note: International students who have been accepted only provisionally ("vorläufige Zulassung") are often required to provide evidence of certain proficiency within a set period of time. The relevant requirements are stated in your acceptance notification (Zulassungsbescheid). Students who cannot produce evidence in time that they fulfil the requirements will be exmatriculated!
5. Activate your IDM, LUH-ID, WiFi & Stud.IP
IDM stands for Identity Management at Leibniz University Hannover. This is where students can manage several other accounts for online facilities required at university (such as wireless LAN, cloud services and the learning management system) in the central Account Manager. For this reason, IdM is also called the central login page.
Students gain access to the Account Manager via their LUH ID. When starting university, students are given a registration number, which they keep throughout their time at university. By the same token, students are allocated an LUH ID, giving them access to many central IT-based services. All students receive their individual LUH ID together with their LeibnizCard. The cover letter contains not only the LUH ID, but also the initial password, which is necessary when registering for the first time, and may be useful if the password has to be reset at some point.
Tutorial: how to activate my LUH-ID?
You can access the internet in almost all buildings and on the campus via LUH-WLAN. For instructions on activating and setting up access to the network and an overview of the services provided by LUIS (Leibniz Universität IT Service), please see the current Question Time guidebook.
You will take many courses online via Stud.IP, where you can not only communicate among other students but also contact your lecturers as well. Instructions and a description of all the functions are also to be found in the brochure "Any Questions?".
6. Have a look at the university campus/dining hall
The campus rallies offered by the different subjects in Orientation Week provide an overview of the campus. If your subject does not offer a campus rally, you can consult the Location Finder .
You can use the LeibnizCard to make cash-free payments in the Student Services Dining Halls and Cafeterias. No additional validation is required here.
7. Activate your LeibnizCard for the library
Your LeibnizCard is also your library ticket for the University Library (TIB). It must first be activated in the library. Please take your passport or ID and your current registration document (Meldebescheinigung) to the information desk in one of the libraries. You can prepare activation under Reader Registration.
8. Create your timetable
In the online course catalogue, you will find the relevant courses that are assigned to the modules specified in your examination regulations. Please note that registration via Stud.IP is required for some courses (see tip 9).
When do I create my timetable?
You don't have to create your timetable all by yourself - to make things easier for you, the timetable for the first semester is drawn up jointly during Orientation Week. One more reason to attend the Preparation Courses and Introductory Sessions.
If you have any further questions, the Study and Exam Regulations will tell you which lectures and classes you must attend. The online course catalogue can be found on the Online-Portal.
9. Note the deadline for re-registering and other term dates for the next semester
Semester fees ("Semesterbeitrag") must be paid for each semester; this is called re-registering ("Rückmeldung"). You will receive the deadline for reregistering, the amount due and account details by E-Mail.
If this E-Mail gets lost you can find all the necessary information online.
You should also look up the semester dates and the dates for the beginning and end of lectures for each semester.
10. Participate in 'Start Smart'
At the start of your studies, many questions arise. In order to be well prepared before the actual start of your studies, the Student Advisory Service and the International Office at Leibniz University Hannover offer all first-year students the Start Smart series. Start Smart is held online and complements the preliminary courses and introductory events of the individual degree programmes. This gives you a good overview of everything you need to know and lots of help for a successful start to your studies. The events are aimed at both Bachelor's and Master's students who are new to Leibniz University Hannover.
Attention – some events require registration.
12. Try tools and tips for digital learning and studying
The use of digital tools supports (online) studies at the LUH. Get an overview of which digital offers can be used for learning and organizing your studies.
13. Follow @uni_hannover on instagram for news and insights into studying at LUH
Follow the LUH's Instagram account and don't miss any more important information! You will also get insights into everyday student life and tips on dates for events... and much more at www.instagram.com/uni_hannover
14. Check out the sports courses from university sports
There is a lot to discover in university sports! With over 100 sports in more than 700 courses, there is definitely something for you. Registration for the sports courses and other offers always begins shortly before the start of the semester.
Many university sports offers are very popular, which is why it is worth taking a look at the sports program in advance in order to register online in good time. The LeibnizCard is conveniently not only needed for the lockers in the TIB and for borrowing books, but it is at the same time your SportCampusCard.
15. Organise your leisure time and meet new people
To counterbalance your studies, to meet other students, or merely to “step outside the box”, there are many different options at Leibniz Universität Hannover and in Hannover Region.
At Leibniz Universität Hannover there is also a wealth of Student Initiatives and Groups that greatly enrich university life.
There’s also a lot to discover at University Sports! With over 100 kinds of sport in over 700 courses, something is bound to take your fancy. The LeibnizCard is conveniently not only needed for the lockers in the TIB and for borrowing books, but it is at the same time your SportCampusCard.
To promote intercultural exchange, the International Office runs the Study Buddy Programme.
16. Make use of discounts
With a valid enrolment certificate (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung), you can get many discounts, e.g. for theatre, opera, cinema, museums, adult education classes, and with some service providers such as mobile phone providers.
With an International Student Identity Card (ISIC- Card), students can also get similar discounts abroad and sometimes even for flights. It is always worth enquiring about student discounts/concessions, the Studentenwerk Hannover can give you an overview!
In Hanover there is also the "Hausmarke" advantage card for students. Over 100 shops, service providers, pubs, restaurants, clubs, discos, museums, theaters, swimming pools, fitness centers, etc. are taking part in the discount campaign. Whether it’s a discount or a percentage, a discount at the box office or free entry – with the “Hausmarke” Students can save a lot of money.
17. Learn university terminology
Some of the terminology used at universities is quite special and a lot of technical terms and abbreviations are being used, some of which you may never have heard before. (Click here for a Quick Overview of the most important academic terminology - German language only). We encourage you to ask if there is something you don’t understand. It could well be that your fellow students don’t know what is meant either, and are grateful that you have dared to ask.
Apart from Uni Language, academic work is a skill that you will gain in the course of your studies. And bear in mind that this skill will shape your studies. It is only in very few cases that you will be training for a job; instead you will learn in the course of your studies how to familiarise yourself with new topics quickly and in a focused way.
18. If you have questions concerning your study programme
Student Representation
Do you have questions about your course of study? Don't worry - everyone was once a first semester student at some point, and there is no such thing as a question that is not worth asking. In particular, your fellow students in the Fachschaften (Student Representation) will be pleased to help you.
Course advice
In your study programme, course advice (Fachstudienberatung) and the degree programme coordination (Studiengangskoordination) will also be pleased to help. The website of the relevant faculty contains information on who is responsible and who to contact. In case you don’t know which faculty your study programme belongs to, just ask the student advisory services studienberatung@uni-hannover.de
19. In case you don’t know what to do
If you are in a situation where you don’t know who is responsible for what, or if you are faced with problems that you don’t know how to solve, please come to the ServiceCenter or the Student Advisory Service.
In the ServiceCenter you will find a large part of the service facilities of Leibniz University Hannover in one place. The Student Advisory Service assists you with all questions and problems relating to your studies - in the Infothek next door, students assistants are available to answer questions and can also reset your password.
Studying can also be a psychological challenge. Whether you are at the start of your studies or almost at the end: The psychological counselling service ("ptb") offers free advice concerning problems caused by studying as well as in personal conflict situations.
Learn about studying at Leibniz University Hannover on social media:

Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover

Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover