Leibniz Universität Hannover
International Office
Welfengarten 1 A
D - 30167 Hannover
Fax +49 511.762 - 4090
For general questions please call our hotline: +49 511.762-2020.

Tram lines no. 4 and 5 stop in front of the Leibniz Unviersität Hannover (Castle of the Guelphs). Name of the station: "Universität."
Welfengarten 1A:
The "Wilhelm-Grunwald-Haus" is a yellow coloured brick building on the right side of the main building -1106. The International Office is located on the ground floor.
Welfengarten 1:
The main building of Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Here you find the ServiceCenter at the back entrance of the castle.