On the staff portal
Right from the outset, we have a comprehensive programme for professors, starting with onboarding of new professors. Tenure-track professors can also benefit from tailor-made options. We also have research, leadership and collaboration courses to help professors do their jobs.
Onboarding and orientation for newly appointed professors
- Initial consultation and coaching for newly appointed professors
- Welcome day for newly appointed professors
- Fireside chat for newly appointed professors
- Service for dual-career couples
- Structured support to help you settle in for the first 100 days
Tenure-track professors
- Coaching
- Tenure dialogue
- Leibniz Tenure Day
- Mentoring
Research management
- Attracting third-party funding successfully
- Inventions, patents and other copyrights
- Research data management
... and other topics
Teaching professionally
- Consulting and Coaching
- Networking
- Mentoring
- Feedback about teaching: TAP and peer observation
- Higher-education teacher training and qualification
- University Teaching Certificate Pro Lehre
Leadership and collaboration
- Leadership guidelines and guide
- Modular programme on developing leadership skills
- Qualification programmes for professors
- Leadership knowledge to go
- Consulting and Coaching
- Unit-specific training options for teams
- Team development
Anna Klobuchowski
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
30167 Hannover
Anna Klobuchowski