Tools and Methods

More variety and impact for your courses

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The variety of didactic methods and digital tools are the cherry on the cake of your course. Let yourself be inspired and discover innovative solutions – for example, for stimulating student participation, for consolidating and reflecting on content or for self-learning materials.

Try it out

The following filter function will show you methods and/or tools that are suitable for the objectives and conditions of your course. The range of offers is being expanded on an ongoing basis. An english version of the database will follow shortly.

How was your experience? Is anything missing? Could anything work better? Please feel free to send us feedback so that we can continue to improve and expand this offer.

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Total number of offers found: 38
1 to 6

Digital tool
Academic Cloud Hub

Soziales Netzwerk für niedersachsächsische Hochschulen

Digital tool
Audio recording

Aufnahmen produzieren und zur Verfügung stellen

Digital tool
BigBlueButton (BBB)

Videokonferenzen in Stud.IP

Digital tool

Interaktives Whiteboard für Teams

Digital tool
Consultation hours

Terminverwaltung in Stud.IP

Digital tool

Veranstaltungsorganisation in ILIAS

First 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Last

Further digital tools & services

Software and IT services on topics such as e-mail, messenger and video conferencing, WLAN, cloud services and VPN through to IT security
Academic Tool Box for your Research, Study & Work (Academic Services for Niedersachsen)

Feedback & Contact

Editorial team
Editorial team